Wednesday 31 May 2017

Binär Optionen Täglich Regenbogen Strategie

Software-Produkt-Innovatoren für die Architektur-Engineering 8211 Construction (AEC) vertikalen Serving Regierungsstellen und Bauunternehmen SoftTech Ingenieure Pvt. Ltd ist für die Innovation zuverlässige und Weltklasse-Software-Produkte für die Nische vertikal der Architektur-Engineering-Construction (AEC) gewidmet. Unsere Produkte ermöglichen es Kunden, Kosten zu senken, die Produktivität zu steigern, effektiv zu kontrollieren und die Ressourcenauslastung in Bezug auf Personen, Infrastruktur und Kundenservice zu verbessern. Unsere Produkte der Wertschätzung: AutoDCR ein nationales preisgekröntes Produkt, das den Plan der Bauplanprüfung in leitenden Gremien revolutioniert hat. Derzeit ist es über 50 ULBs in Indien implementiert PWIMS Public Works Information Management System, eine webbasierte kommerzielle Off-the-shelf (COTS) - Anwendung für die Verwaltung der zentralen funktionalen Prozesse der Arbeit Planung, Beschaffung und Wartung in öffentlichen Bau-Organisationen. OPTICON eine robuste Bauverwaltungssoftware speziell für Bauorganisationen. Mit intelligent gebauten Modulen für Projekte, Finanzen, Anlagenverstärkermaschinen sind Ihre Bauprojekte mit positiven Renditen verbunden. BIM Services Projektvirtualisierung gewinnt Tag für Tag an Bedeutung. Mit der Verfügbarkeit eines 3D-Modell, vor Beginn der eigentlichen Konstruktion hat vielfältige Vorteile. Mit BIM, ein Design bleibt konsistent, koordiniert und genauer über alle Stakeholder Mit 750 Mann Jahre Erfahrung und eingehende Kundenstudie SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd entwickelt E-Governance und Konstruktion ERP-Produkte im Auge behalten spezifische Bedürfnisse unserer Kunden, können Sie sicher sein, dass Ihr Unternehmen in guten Händen ist. Produkte von SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd versichern: Produktivität Rampe bis Fokus auf Kernfunktion Ihres Unternehmens Verbesserte Grundlinien Erhalten Sie Ihr Unternehmen Vermögenswerte Investieren Sie Zeit und Geld in Business-Technologie SoftTech Ingenieure Pvt. Ltd ist der vertrauenswürdige Partner in Ihrem tryst für success. GFRC FUN Show New Käufe - 12. Januar 2017 Willkommen auf der Daily Blog an einem Mittwoch Morgen. Venedig Florida Wetter kehrt auf überdurchschnittliche Temperaturen für die Balance der Woche mit Höhen in der Mitte der oberen 70er Jahre. Leider gibt es keinen Regen in der Prognose. Lokale Seen und Teiche sind einige Füße unter normalen Niveaus und erfordern verlängerte Regenfälle, um sich zu erholen. Wenn nicht genug beschäftigt mit GFRC Geschäft und Post FUN-Show-Aktivitäten, zwei Auburn Lakes Condo Association Sitzungen stattgefunden haben seit der Rückkehr von der FUN-Show. Diese sind hinter mir, vorläufig, und volle Aufmerksamkeit kann auf das Laden einer beträchtlichen Menge an neuen Münzen auf die Preisliste gesetzt werden. GFRC Open Registry Community-Projekt Ich freue mich zu berichten, dass die Open Registry insgesamt Stand 217 mit 28 teilnehmenden Sammler. Weve leicht überschritten die alte System-Set insgesamt mit Erwartungen für 500 Sätze bis zum Ende des Jahres 2017. Osprey weiterhin auf die Vereinigten Staaten Gold-Typ-Definitionen arbeiten und ich werde wahrscheinlich vorbereitet eine Vereinigten Staaten frühen Gedenken, so dass chinesische Käufer können in der Open Registry teilnehmen . Liberty Seated Half Dollar Sets verfügbar Matt und Bill Bugert vollendete die Liberty Seated Halbdollar-Set Feinabstimmung gestern. Sammler werden daher aufgefordert, ihre Halbdollarsätze in den Kategorien Basic, Top 100 und Ultimate zu laden. Basierend auf der GFRC-Client-Basis und laufenden Sitzen Halb-Dollar-Umsatz, Im bewusst viele Sammler dieser Konfession und Hoffnung auf eine starke Beteiligung. GFRC Consignment News Es gibt Fortschritte bei der Entsendung von Sendungen, die unmittelbar vor und während der FUN-Sendung angekommen sind. Hier sind zwei Sendungen mit hervorragenden Angeboten. Die Peak Collection Sendung umfasst drei Liberty Seated Dollars, alle abgestuft PCGS AU58 und wohnhaft in älteren blauen Etikettenhalter. Diese Stücke sind bereits auf die Preisliste mit vollständigen Beschreibungen, die heute vollständig sind geladen. Alle sind genau mit viel Glanz und Augen Attraktivität eingestuft. Die 1847-Beispiel erreicht eine Wahl Qualität Bewertung und ist mein Favorit der drei wegen der kühnen Glanz und nur eine Spur von reiben. Wenn auf dem Markt für eine Qualität Seated Dollar für Typ-Set, dann beachten Sie bitte eine dieser schönen Auswahl aus der Peak Collection. Peak Kollektion Konsignation - 11. Januar 2017 Bei der FUN-Show näherte sich ein Sammler von hervorragenden Edelstein Klasse Ebene Münzen GFRC für die Handhabung seiner Duplikate Stücke. Dieses ist ein Marktbereich, in dem GFRC teilnehmen möchte, einschließlich der Möglichkeit des Verkaufs zu den fortgeschrittenen chinesischen Kollektoren. Handling in der Nähe der Top-Bevölkerung des 20. Jahrhunderts Typ Münzen ergänzt die bestehenden Liberty Seated und Capped Bust Produktlinien. Im Folgenden sind die ersten drei Angebote, alle benotet PCGS PR67 und von CAC genehmigt. Ein Sammelname wird heute beim Versender definiert. Der einsame Büffel und zwei Quecksilberkronenbeweise sind eine Freude zu inspizieren und sehen. Winesteven Kollektion Konsignation - 11. Januar 2017 Empfohlene Artikel: Mauldin Economics - We8217re Alle Low-Skilled Workers Now Die globale Gemeinschaft weiterhin gesegnet (oder vielleicht verflucht) durch ständige Entwicklungen in der High-Tech. Die Halbleiter-Integration setzt sich mit unvorstellbarer Rechenleistung auf einem einzigen Stück Silizium fort. Bewaffnet mit unglaublicher Menge an Rechenleistung, sind Software-Entwickler frei, in der Künstlichen Intelligenz (AI) Reich zu erkunden. Science-Fiction beginnt, die Realität zu erfüllen und sobald Innovationen freigegeben und als kommerzielle Produkte umgesetzt werden, gibt es weitere Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft und den Arbeitsmarkt. Patrick Watson von Mauldin Economics, hat einen Artikel mit dem Titel Were All Low Skilled Workers Nun, dass ich empfehlen, wie eine schnelle lesen, wenn die Zeit erlaubt. Der Begriff "Low Skilled Workersquot" erinnert traditionell an diejenigen in der Belegschaft, die nur einen Abitur haben können. Doch mit raschen Entwicklungen in der Technologie, sind viele Menschen mit College-Bachelor-Studiengänge auch mit unzureichenden Fähigkeiten für die sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Arbeitsmarkt zu finden. Mit AI-Entwicklungen, die Wirklichkeit werden, werden weiße Kragenfertigkeiten (Wissensarbeiter) und Beschäftigung beeinträchtigt und auch in die Kategorie der gering qualifizierten Arbeitskräfte aufgenommen. Dieser Artikel bietet seinen wichtigen Inhalt auf KI gegen Ende des Artikels. Hier sind ein paar Punkte, um Ihren Appetit zu befeuchten. Der Trend zu AI, der die Menschen am Arbeitsplatz ersetzt, ist nicht mehr eine Science-Fiction-Fantasie. Auch ist es nicht nur Fabrik Arbeitsplätze beeinflussen. Die Technologie, um hochqualifizierte Angestellte zu ersetzen, existiert gerade8230 und eine ikonische amerikanische Gesellschaft wird glücklich verkaufen sie an Ihren Chef morgen. Ab diesem Monat, ersetzt Fukoku 34 Schadenregulierer mit IBM8217s Watson künstliche Intelligenz-Technologie (keine Beziehung zu mir). Stellt sich heraus, das AI-System liest und wertet medizinische Dokumente und andere Informationen schneller und besser als die Menschen können. Featured Coins of the Day Seit der Liberty Seated halb Dollar-Bezeichnung ist in der Open Registry, wie etwa ein paar schöne EF-AU Hälften zu schließen, aus heutigen Daily Blog. Sitzende Hälften sind mit Abstand die beliebteste Sitznote aufgrund der Größe und Verfügbarkeit. Dank für das Kurz aufhalten bei diesem Morgen und überprüfen Sie bitte zurück später am Tag als mehr SPASS neue Käufe und Sendungen zeigen, werden in den Blog auf einer Vorausschau geladen. Haben Sie einen großen Tag Grüße an einem ruhigen Dienstag Morgen und danke für das Besuchen des täglichen Blogs. Heutige Ausgabe kennzeichnet den Anfang von vielen neuen Sendungsbuchungen zusammen mit FUNerscheineneinkäufen. Bevor es losgeht, geht ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die den GFRC-Tisch bei der FUN-Show besucht haben, und auch denen, die mich auf der Börse angehalten haben, um Daily Blog-Fans zu nennen. Schreiben des Blogs auf einer kontinuierlichen Basis ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Es gibt Morgen, wenn frische Themen schnell entstehen, während andere Tage einen geistigen Kampf bringen, um eine Reihe von zusammenhängenden Gedanken zusammenzustellen, die Aufmerksamkeit verdienen. Wenn dies der Fall ist, ist ein Besuch in der Seth Godin Blog für die Inspiration oft getan. Das heutige Seth Godin Angebot mit der Bezeichnung quotEntitlement ist optionalquot hat enge Parallelen zu meiner eigenen Philosophie über das Leben und kann erklären, die Notwendigkeit, den Blog jeden Tag zu schreiben. Godins Blog ist ein Juwel und lohnt sich mehrmals in Richtung tieferes Selbstverständnis. Anspruch ist optional Sein nicht auf uns gezwungen, seine etwas, das wir wählen. Und wir profitieren selten von dieser Wahl. Diese Notoperation, diejenige, die Ihr Leben rettete, als der gebrochene Anhang entfernt wurde, als der Arzt eine Narbe hinterließ. Wir können für unseren nächsten Atem dankbar sein. Oder wir können einen Weg finden, wütend zu sein, darauf hinzuweisen, dass angesichts dessen, wie viel es kostet und wie viel Training der Arzt hatte, dass Narbe wirklich viel kleiner sein sollte. Und darüber hinaus war er nicht sehr nett. Wäre berechtigt, einen schönen Arzt oder wir können wählen, dankbar zu sein. Vermarkter haben Milliarden von Dollar ausgegeben, die uns überzeugen, dass wir alles haben können, dass wir es verdienen, und dass gleich um die Ecke etwas noch besser ist. Die Politiker haben uns gesagt, dass sie alles behandeln, dass unser Schmerz real ist und dass eine noch bessere Welt unmittelbar bevorsteht. Und wir glauben es. Wir kaufen in unser Privileg sowie die Erwartung, dass unser Privileg berechtigt uns noch mehr. Sein nicht auf Status oder Wirklichkeit basiert. Sein eine kulturelle Wahl. Und youre berechtigt zu Ihrem Anspruch, wenn Sie es wünschen. Aber warum würden Sie berechtigt uns nichts als Herzschmerzen. Es blendet uns, was möglich ist. Es schützt uns vor der Magie der Dankbarkeit. Und am allermeisten, lässt es uns vom Haken, drückt uns weg von der Verantwortung (und Aktion) und auf die Verteilung Schuld und Wut statt. Dankbarkeit ist auf der anderen Seite genauso gültig wie eine Wahl. Außer dass Dankbarkeit macht uns offen für Möglichkeit. Es bringt uns näher zu anderen. Und es macht uns glücklicher. Alles könnte besser sein. Nicht, weil wir es verdienen (wir nicht, nicht wirklich). Aber weil, wenn wir daran arbeiten, in sie zu investieren und mit anderen um ihn zu verbinden, können wir es besser machen. Sein auf uns. Seine schwierige Arbeit, counter-instinctual Arbeit, die nie endet. GFRC-Konsignations-Nachrichten Montags-Konsignationsverarbeitung konzentrierte auf Woodlands und Highwoods Ansammlungssendungen, die vor der SPA-Show angekommen waren. Etwa sechs Sendungen verbleiben in der Warteschlange und werden in der FIFO-Sequenz (First In, First Out) während des Saldos der Woche verarbeitet. Die Woodlands Collection Sendung verfügt über eine erstaunliche Auswahl an hochgradigen Liberty Sitzen für den fortgeschrittenen Sammler. Die 1838-O F-101 Dime, abgestufte PCGS AU55, ist so Wahl mit sogar gun Metall grade Patina und ist ideal für eine Art gesetzt oder datemintmark gesetzt. Glänzender frostiger Glanz und ein gehämmerter Schlag kennzeichnen das 1838 F-107 Beispiel abgestufte PCGS MS65 CAC. Wie wäre es mit dem Keyster-Tag 1846, auch mit einem gehämmerten Schlag, der im PCGS EF45 CAC Halter liegt? Dieses Beispiel wäre für die meisten Sammler schwierig zu aktualisieren. Die zweite Reihe von Angeboten ist genauso beeindruckend. Der 1872 F-102 ist PCGS MS65 mit CAC-Zulassung eingestuft und befindet sich im Zustandskonsens, da nur wenige Kollektoren erkennen, dass 1872 Streiks ein systematisches Glanzproblem haben, das sie auf MS65 als Top-Grade beschränkt. Es gibt nur eine abgestufte MS66. Dann gibt es die 1878 Dime aus der Eugene Gardner Collection graded PCGS MS66 CAC, die ein Premium-Edelstein ist. Wir schließen die Klient-Galerie mit einem anderen Edelstein, ein 1887 PCGS MS65 CAC von der Birmingham-Ansammlung, die durch GFRC Ende 2014 verkauft wird. Genießen Sie Woodlands Ansammlungs-Konsignation - 10. Januar 2017 Die Highwoods Ansammlungsangebote sind auf kleine Bezeichnung konzentriert USA-Gold und auch einschließen Eine Auswahl 1806 B-5 (R4) Capped Bust Viertel, das verdient Aufmerksamkeit als Dansco oder Whitman-Typ gesetzt Album kaufen. Highwoods Sammlung Konsignation - 10. Januar 2017 Global Financial News Ich glaube, 2017 wird drei wichtige finanzielle Themen, die oft wieder in den Daily Blog besucht werden. Der erste ist Donald Trumps Druck auf globale Industrien zu erweitern Produktion in den Vereinigten Staaten. Die zweite ist Chinas wirtschaftliche Leiden und die dritte wird auf Blockchain-Technologie zu konzentrieren. Letztere gewinnt schnell Akzeptanz für sichere finanzielle Transaktionen eine Technologie, die erhöhte Sicherheit gegen allgegenwärtige Hacker ermöglicht. Lets check Beispiele für diese Themen in diesem Morgen Suchen Alpha Schlagzeilen. Zuerst der Donald Trump-Effekt. Im Zuge des Drucks, Produkte zu Hause zu bauen, strebt Apple an, in einem seiner Werke in Mesa, Arizona, das Quothigh-Tech-Fertigungszentrum zu bauen und das Rechenzentrums-Server-Equipment zusammenzubauen. "Die Art des Produkts ist nicht für Endbenutzer, sondern für andere globale Rechenzentren, was von der Website unterstützt wird, entsprechend einer Mitteilung des Bundesregisters. Donald Trump hatte ein großes Treffen mit Alibabas ack Ma am Montag, als sie diskutierten die Schaffung von 1M neue amerikanische Arbeitsplätze in fünf Jahren. Einige rufen die Behauptung eine Strecke, jedoch auf der Grundlage der Unternehmensdefinition des Ziels. "Alibaba wird 1M U. S. Arbeitsplätze schaffen, indem es 1M amerikanischen Kleinbetrieben und Landwirten ermöglicht, amerikanische Waren an chinesische und asiatische Verbraucher auf der Alibaba-Plattform zu verkaufen." Dann Chinas Kampf für eine weiche wirtschaftliche Landung. China schätzt das hohe Schuldenniveau ein und senkt die Kohle - und Stahlkapazitäten weiter, da die Anleger die Inflationsdaten auf Anzeichen einer besseren Nachfrage in der zweitgrößten Volkswirtschaft der Welt abschätzen. Der Verbraucherpreisindex für Dezember kletterte um 2.1, auf höheren Schweinefleisch - und Kraftstoffpreisen, während der Erzeugerpreisindex 5.5 sprang, der schnellste Schritt seit September 2011. Und fnally, das Entstehen der Blockchain Technologie. Wall Streets größter Back-Office-Processing-Service ist Partnering mit IBM zu aktualisieren, wie Zahlungen und Aufzeichnungen für Credit-Default-Swaps behandelt werden, indem das System auf eine Blockchain bis Anfang nächsten Jahres. "Dies wird einer der ersten global, wo wir mit verteilten Ledger-Technologie verwenden, um ein Stück der Infrastruktur in einem sehr kritischen Markt geworden, zitiert Depository Trust amp Clearing Corp. CEO Michael Bodson. Featured Coins of the Day Januar ist ein Indoor-Monat aufgrund kalter und böser Wetter in ganz USA. Liebhabereien sind eine bequeme Allee für das Geben der langen Abende und eines alternativen zum geistlosen Netzfernsehen. Bei GFRC gibt es einen konstanten Strom von neuen Angeboten zusammen mit vielen Qualitätsmünzen im aktuellen Bestand. Die meisten sind versendet und müssen ein neues Zuhause finden. Im Folgenden finden Sie die restlichen Angebote aus der Sammlung Port Matilda. Diese Person hat aggressiv Preise reduziert, um schnelle Verkäufe zu ermöglichen. Wenn diese Münzen nicht in den nächsten 30-60 Tagen verkaufen, werden sie zurückgegeben. Jemand muss wirklich die 1917 Type 1 Liberty Seated Viertel als so verdammt attraktive Willkommen auf der Daily Blog auf einer Post FUN-Show Montag Morgen kaufen und danke für den Besuch vorbei. Venedig, Florida Wetter hat sich recht kalt mit Wind-Chill-Beratung und einem 40-Grad-Tief die letzten zwei Abende. Fast alle der Vereinigten Staaten erleben eine Art von herausfordernden Wetter einschließlich Maine, die derzeit bei -5F ist. Die Florida Kälte hat einen Segen und das ist klarer Himmel mit einem hellen sonnigen Bedingungen. Das Timing war ideal angesichts der erheblichen Anzahl von Neueinkäufen und Sendungen, die gestern fotografiert wurden. Der Bilderzeugungsprozess war kühl, aber die Ergebnisse waren recht gut. Im glücklich zu berichten, dass die GFRC Venice Büro wieder voll in Betrieb ist. Es dauerte den ganzen Tag, um Inventar zusammen mit FUN Show-Accounting und COIN-System zu aktualisieren. Anders als aus dem Büro für das Mittagessen, Abendessen und Münze Fotografie, war der Tag vollständig verbraucht. Infolgedessen gibt es nichts vorbereitet für diesen morgen Blog. Unten ist eine wichtige Gruppe von neuen GFRC-Angeboten, um die Woche zu starten. Alle außer dem 1914-D PCGS MS64 CAC Barber Viertel sind gehalten. Die Leser sollten sofort erkennen, die 1846 wichtigsten Datum halben Dime, ein 1840 Drapery Dime und ein 1855-S-Quartal mit selten gesehen Klassenstufen. FUN Neuzugänge - 9. Januar 2017 Es gibt viele weitere spannende Sendungen, die den Preislisten in der kommenden Woche hinzugefügt werden sollen. GFRC Versand Update Ich arbeitete spät in Sonntag Abend Vorbereitung ausgehenden Versand und haben noch ein paar mehr zu verpacken heute Morgen. Danke für Ihre Geduld auf langsamer als normales Verschiffen, das unsere Disney Weltfamilie wiedervereinigt wird, der 1. Januar Feiertag USPS Schließung gefolgt von Reise zur SPASS Show. GFRC schnelles Verschiffen ist zurück zu normalen Standards heute. Global Financial News Spot Gold wird bei 1180 zitiert und hat sich ein wenig von seinem jüngsten Swoop erholt. Im, der hofft, Golddurchbruch durch das 1200 Niveau kurz zu sehen, um numismatische Goldverkäufe zu stützen. Rohöl setzte sich auf 53bbl-Niveau. Suche nach Alpha-Schlagzeilen haben mehrere wichtige Einblicke in China, die globale Investoren beobachten sollten. McDonalds hat im Wesentlichen beschlossen, den chinesischen Markt zu beenden, indem er die meisten seiner Immobilien an eine Investorengruppe verkauft. Diese Ankündigung verdient definitiv Kontrolle, wie McDonalds, wie Walmart, ist ein Proxy für die wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen. Die nächste Seeking Alpha Überschrift zeigt auch laufende Kapitalflucht aus dem Festland China als Devisenreserven fielen noch einmal. Mit einer Trump-Administration am Horizont muss die Regierung in Peking Bedenken haben, da der Yuan weiter schwächt und reiche Chinesen ihre Gelder in Übersee nach Kanada, USA und Australien verschieben. McDonalds hat eine Vereinbarung zum Verkauf von 80 seiner 2.200 Filialen in China und Hongkong an ein Konsortium einschließlich Citic und Carlyle Group abgeschlossen. Es beschloss, eine Minderheitsbeteiligung zu halten, um von der Exposition gegenüber zukünftigem Wachstum zu profitieren, sagte eine Quelle Reuters. Das Geschäft, das 20-jährige Massen-Franchise-Rechte umfasst, wird das Geschäft auf so viel wie 2.08B und wahrscheinlich helfen McDonalds schneiden seine Gesamtbetriebskosten und das Kapital zu schützen. Chinas Devisenreserven fielen für den sechsten der aufeinander folgende Monat im Dezember, aber hielt gerade über dem kritischen 3T Niveau, während Behörden innen traten, um den schwächeren Yuan zu stützen. Nach PBOC-Daten stürzte der weltweit größte Bestand an Devisen um 41,08 B auf 3,01 T, der niedrigste Stand seit März 2011. Ausgewählte Münzen des Tages Die Vereinigten Staaten 20 Doppeladler Goldmarkt ist derzeit schwach. Einige Einzelpersonen glauben, dass die besten Kaufgelegenheiten während eines schwachen Marktes als Schnäppchen Hand sein können. Bei der FUN-Show versuchte GFRC, die folgenden Qualitätszivilkriegs-San Francisco-Streiks zu reduzierten Preisen im Auftrag des Watch-Hill-Versenders zu verkaufen. Anstatt verkaufen diese Artikel an Großhändler, Ive beschlossen, spezielle Preisgestaltung direkt an Sammler bieten und hoffen, dass sie in der Lage, diese an attraktiven Ebenen zu erwerben. Neue Preise werden direkt über jedem 20 Goldstück aufgelistet. Besondere Zahlungsbedingungen zur Verfügung, so wenden Sie sich bitte E-Mail oder rufen Sie mich an, wenn es potenzielle Interesse. Watch Hill Consignment - 20 Double Eagle Preisreduzierungen So endet eine andere Ausgabe des Daily Blog. Ein anstrengender Morgen ist mit mehr Auftragslieferungen, eine Reise zur Venedig-Insel PO, zum eines geregistrierten Pakets zu finden, das nicht vor der SPAß-Erscheinen und einer Auburn Seen-Condo-Vereinigungsvorstandssitzung um 11:00 Uhr geliefert wird. Ich komme morgen früh mit mehr Geschwafeln und vielleicht ein Artikel. Hab eine großartige Woche. Grüße von Venedig, Florida an einem Sonntag Morgen. Meine Entschuldigung für eine späte Veröffentlichung Zeit als schlafen in für eine Stunde war eine Priorität nach einer anderen vollen Woche. Die 2017 Winter-FUN-Show ist hinter uns mit der bevorstehenden ruhigen Zeit in der Venedig Büro am meisten begrüßt werden. Kannst du glauben, dass Liberty Seated halbe Dimes die beliebteste Sitze-Denomination an der FUN-Show waren Wir haben mehr Liberty Seated halbe Dimes verkauft als jede andere Sitze-Denomination. Die traditionelle Weisheit wäre, dass Sitze Hälften wäre die beliebteste gefolgt von sitzenden Dimes und Quartalen, und wir haben diese verkaufen, aber nicht auf die Ebene der Sitzen Halbdimes. Infolgedessen ist GFRC, das Halbdimeinventar ist, ein wenig verbraucht und Sendungen werden angefordert. FUN Show Tag 3 Report Samstag Beobachtungen waren im Einklang mit der Balance der Show. Collector Verkehr war langsam mit dem gelegentlichen CDN oder grauen Blatt quotwannabe dealersquot Einkaufen am GFRC Stand und Angebote 75 auf dem Dollar für unsere Qualitätsmünzen. Diese Wannabes erscheinen immer am Samstag und ihr Verhalten ist keine Überraschung. Vor der Schließung der Stand um 15:00 Uhr, genossen wir eine große Zahl von vier Figuren und erhielt mehrere coole Liberty Seated Münzsendungen. Samstag FUN Show Sendungen Die erste Sendung zu kommen war eine Wahl original 1855-S Sitz Quartal mit NGC AU53 und ab dem Markt für über sechs Jahren in starken Sammlerhänden. Diese Person hat das Datum mit einem AU58-Beispiel aktualisiert, das von GFRC gekauft wurde, und beschlossen, dass es Zeit war, das Duplikat mit der Sammelgemeinschaft zu teilen. Diese schöne 1855-S-Viertel hat nicht besucht CAC entweder aber sollte. Bilder werden in den nächsten 48 Stunden veröffentlicht und wenn interessiert, mailen Sie mich schnell für FRoR. Die zweite Sendung erschien, als wir den GFRC-Tisch abbrachen. Ein alter numismatischer Freund erschien am Tisch und teilte einen neuen Kauf. Eine schöne zirkulierte Sorte Seated dime 1852 F-110b mit fetten Würfel Crack durchqueren die Unterseite der Datumsziffern. Dieses Stück ist eines der hochwertigsten Beispiele bekannt mit GFRC ausgewählt, um Markt und Angebot zum Verkauf. John Frost berichtet eine erfolgreichste Show für den Liberty Seated Collectors Club. Der Verein unterschrieb vier neue Mitglieder und erhielt sechs 2017 Dues Erneuerungen auf der Messe. Die gefälschte 1872-S Liberty Seated halb-Dollar-Ankündigung an der LSCC-Sitzung und begleitenden Bulletin wurden von PCGS und NGC begrüßt. Numismatic News gab eine elektronische Warnung für die Fälschung und ich erwarte, dass Coin Wold wird das gleiche tun. GFRC Open Registry Community-Projekt Im unglaublich erfreut mit Open Registry Sammler Akzeptanz. Ab heute morgen hat die Registry 198 Sets und 25 teilnehmende Sammler. Es dauerte 10 Jahre, bis die 195er-Ebene erreicht, auf einer manuellen Eingabebasis, während das neue System eine ähnliche Schwelle in zwei Wochen erhalten. Die Erwartungen sind für weiteres Wachstum, da das Sammlergemeinschaftsbewusstsein zunimmt und mehr festgelegte Kategorien hinzugefügt werden. Matt hat die Liberty Seated Dollar Set abgeschlossen und zusätzlich Plus () Grade Eintrag Fähigkeit. Plus () - Klassen werden mit einem 0,5-Punkt-Addierer bewertet. Bitte verwenden Sie nicht Plus () Noten für nicht zertifizierte Münzen für diese PCGS oder NGC Münzen mit dieser Bezeichnung. Aufmerksamkeit verschiebt sich, um die Liberty Seated Halbdollar-Sets in dieser Woche und ihre Freilassung zu verpacken. Während der FUN-Show sprach ich mit meinem Show-Partner W. David Perkins über den Zusatz eines Bust Dollar Open Registry Moduls. Er überlegt diese Möglichkeit, also bleib dran für zukünftige Neuigkeiten. Einige Kommentare zur automatischen GFRC-Image-Buchung in der Open Registry sind in der Reihenfolge seit dem Empfangen von Fragen per E-Mail zum Thema. GFRC-konvertierte Bilddatei-Namenskonvention zu TPG-Seriennummern im Juni 2016. Wenn Sammler Münzen nach Juni 2016 gekauft und sie TPG-Seriennummer Bild Dateinamen haben, dann werden diese automatisch in die Open Registry laden, sobald die TPG-Seriennummer eingegeben wird. Münzen, die von GFRC vor Juni 2016 gekauft wurden, haben nicht die TPG-Seriennummer als Dateinamen und werden nicht automatisch geladen. GFRC Prognose für die kommende Woche Zwischen FUN zeigen neue Einkäufe und Sendungen zusammen mit Pre FUN zeigen Sendung Ankünfte, gibt es über 100 neue Münzen fotografiert werden und hinzugefügt, um die Preisliste in der kommenden Woche. Ich empfehle dringend, dass GFRC-Kunden den Daily-Blog und die 30-tägige Neukauf-Preisliste regelmäßig auf neue Beiträge prüfen. Es wird eine erhebliche Menge an neuen Inventar in den kommenden Tagen zu prüfen. Großsendungen gesucht. Die GFRC verfügt nunmehr über einen offenen Kalender, um mehrere große Sendungen während der Bilanz des Jänner zu bitten und zu absorbieren. Wenn Sie die Veräußerung einer großen Sammlung oder einfach nur Duplikate, jetzt ist die Zeit, mich zu kontaktieren, um mögliche Ansätze für Marketing und Vertrieb Ihrer numismatischen Eigenschaften zu diskutieren. Featured Coins of the Day Lets wrap up dieser Daily Blog-Ausgabe mit einigen schönen Drapiert und Capped Büste Hälften an diesem Sonntag Morgen. Wie immer werden Ihre Patronats - und GFRC-Unterstützung geschätzt und geschätzt. Aufbau eines neuen Alters Kollektor Community-Portal ist ein langer Prozess und Im verpflichtet, die Anstrengung. Unser Hobby ist dynamisch und aufregend für diejenigen, die eine Leidenschaft für die Geschichte der Vereinigten Staaten und ihre Artefakte zu teilen. Vielen Dank für den Besuch bei mir und ich werde wieder hell und früh am Montagmorgen. Hab einen schönen Sonntag. 8:45 am Update von FUN Bourse Floor Matt nur per E-Mail zu verkünden, dass die Liberty Seated Dollar-Set zur Sammlung in der GFRC Open Registry zur Verfügung steht. FUN Show Day 2 Report Grüße an einem frühen Samstag Morgen und willkommen auf dem Daily Blog. OK aber nicht groß ist der Konsens für die Ft. Lauderdale FUN zeigen. Diebstahl. Lauderdale FUN-Show wird in der numismatischen Geschichte Bücher gehen als eine durchschnittliche Show mit Händlern ein bisschen enttäuscht. Jeder, den ich sprach, teilte die gleiche Meinung und freut sich auf die FUN-Show zurück nach Tampa (2018) gefolgt von Orlando (2019) Locations. Das Kernproblem war der Mangel an Kollektorverkehr. Viele der quotregularquot LSCC Mitglieder, die bei Baltimore oder Summer ANA Shows gesehen werden wollte nicht die Reise nach Ft. Lauderdale. Der Rückgang der Goldbarren war auch ein Widerschein auf die Goldseite des numismatischen Marktes. 20 Heilige und gemeinsame Datum Liberty Stücke konnten in MS 63 für ungefähr 1200 auf Großhandelsebene gekauft werden. Das tragische Ft. Lauderdale Flughafen Schießereien und Todesfälle wirft weitere Negativität. Um ca. 3:30 Uhr oder so, kam die Convention Center Ankündigung der Flughafen-Shootings mit dem einsamen Shooter festgenommen. Ein Schauer lief über meine Wirbelsäule, als ich die Nachricht hörte und wusste, dass wir nur wenige Meilen von der Veranstaltung entfernt waren. Viele Sammler hatten ausgehende Flüge am Freitag Abend und wunderten sich über ihre Situation bei der Ankunft am GFRC Tisch. GFRC ist eine OK-Show mit unseren breiten Produktlinien und Qualitätsmünzen. Sammler, die am GFRC Tisch eingekauft haben, haben die Qualität und Originalität unserer Sitz - und Bust-Angebote konsequent kommentiert und ohne zu zögern gekauft. Aber es gab einfach nicht genug Sammler zur Hand, um große Show-Ergebnisse zu generieren. Zum Glück, mehrere der FUN zeigen Eröffnung Tag Käufe und nachfolgende Sendungen schnell über Ankündigung auf dem Daily Blog verkauft. Zum Beispiel verkaufte der 1846 PCGS VF30 OGH Edelstein einen halben Cent für einen starken 3500 zu einem GFRC-Sammler. GFRC-Verkäufe waren breit auf allen Produktlinien basiert. Unser Quotendiagramm war hoch mit den meisten Sammlern, die zum GFRC Tisch gehend weg mit einem Kauf ankommen. CoinWeek Mitarbeiter war das Kreisen der Börse mit Kamera sucht Interviews und ich vereinbart, ein Feature-Interview Hervorhebung der 1839 Pie Shattered Overs Seed Dime zu tun. Es war ein kurzes Video-Shooting und ich werde die CoinWeek Link im Blog einmal verfügbar bekannt geben. Das LSCC-Treffen war eine hervorragende Veranstaltung mit viel positiven Rückmeldungen. John Frost kündigte die Entdeckung eines 1872-S Liberty Seated Dollar gefälscht und ging um ein Beispiel für die Inspektion. Mein Bericht würde chinesischen Ursprungs, da die Oberflächen waren typisch für die höhere Qualität Handel Dollar Fälschungen auf dem Shanghai Yunzhou Markt zu sehen. Das Stück wurde gut geschlagen, aber es fehlte der Glanz für seinen Erhaltungszustand AU5558. Es gab einige Quatmint Frostquot aber zu viele subtile Haarlinien zusammen mit dumpfen Feldern. Suchen Sie detaillierte Artikel in der kommenden Februar E-Gobrecht und März Gobrecht Journal. Die Norweb 1874-CC Liberty Sitzplatz Dime auch aufgetaucht auf der LSCC-Sitzung im Besitz von Tom Davison. Wir hatten das Stück per E-Mail diskutiert und machten Pläne für die Einführung in das Treffen. Dieses unglaubliche Stück befindet sich in NGC MS62 Fatty Halter und wurde ursprünglich benotet MS63MS65 bei der Norweb Auktion. GFRC Open Registry Community-Projekt Die Open Registrys nähern sich 200 Sätze innerhalb von nur zwei Wochen nach dem Start. Ich sprach mit einer Person an der FUN-Show, die die Open Registry überprüft und ist gut vertraut in numismatische IT-Projekte. Er glaubt, dass GFRC hat eine wichtige Alternative zu den quotclosedquot TPG Registeries entwickelt, die mit Sammlern zu fangen. Sein Rat war, die GFRC-IT-Ressourcen, um eine viel größere Population von Sets und Image-Hosting zu unterstützen, wie er glaubt, die Nachfrage wird schnell wachsen. Matt ist zurück in Peking zusammen mit der Familie. Er emailed letzten Abend und arbeitet an der Liberty Seated Half-Dollar-Sets und wird mit Bill Bugert für die Klarstellungen über die Top 100 und Ultimate Half-Dollar-Einträge beraten. Das Top 100 Set wird so konzipiert, dass es eine Teilmenge der Ultimate-Set für die Leichtigkeit der Einreise. Matt wird auch beginnen, bei Stephen Pettys überarbeitete Sheldon Rarität Zahlen für die Seated Dollar-Set zu betrachten. Zeit, den Blog zu schließen Ja, es ist Zeit für eine Dusche und schnelles Dunkin Donuts Frühstück vor dem Überschreiten zum Broward Convention Center und Tag 3 der FUN-Show. Samstag ist traditionell ein langsamer Tag und GFRC wird um ca. 15.00 Uhr geschlossen werden, gefolgt von der Rückfahrt nach Venedig. Vielen Dank für den Besuch bei mir an diesem Morgen im Daily Blog. Haben Sie ein schönes Wochenende und erinnert an diejenigen, die ihr Leben verloren in der Ft. Lauderdale schießt. Wann wird das Gemetzel von unschuldigen Menschen in den Vereinigten Staaten aufhören FUN Show Tag 1 Bericht Willkommen auf der Daily Blog an einem Freitag Morgen und ersten FUN-Show-Bericht. Dont Ich liebe die Teilnahme an einer großen Münze zeigen, dass eine gesunde bourse Boden quotbuzzquot den ganzen Tag hat. Dies war am Donnerstag nach der offiziellen Eröffnung um 10:00 Uhr der Fall. Man konnte die Energie im Kongresszentrum spüren, da der Besuch recht stark war. Der GFRC-Stand war den ganzen Tag von 10:00 Uhr bis ca. 17:00 Uhr ohne Pause zum Mittagessen aktiv. Auf eine sehr positive Note, FUN kam durch mit Beschilderung, so GFRC wurde ganz um etwa 10:30 Uhr. Die Verkäufe waren stark für Liberty Seated Inventory und vernünftig für die Balance der Produktlinien. Unmittelbar nach der Eröffnungsfeier kam einer meiner ANA-Sommerseminarschüler zu einem netten Besuch und kaufte eine 6-teilige Sitzplatzhälfte. Die Hälfte der Stücke aus der frischen Liberty Seated Dime Collection, Kauf am Mittwoch, sofort zusammen mit dem 1875-CC PCGS VF35 CAC Quartal verkauft. Wir verkauften mehrere hochgradige 2.5 Goldviertelsadler zu einer Einzelperson, die eine Bronzemedaille im 800-Meter-Sprint bei den Rio Olympics gewann. Wie cool ist, dass Welt Münzen auch erhebliche Aufmerksamkeit, angesichts der GFRC Stand Standort neben dem Foreign and Ancient Abschnitt der Börse gesehen. Zwischen den Verkäufen kamen mehr Sendungen mit jedem Los bemerkenswert. Ive verliebte sich in die 1846 PCGS VF30 OGH halben Kumpel und dieses Stück wird nicht lange dauern. Die sitzende Dime Sendung ist eine Vielfalt Schatztruhe und wurde seit Jahren akkumuliert und schließlich auf den Markt freigegeben. Bitte beachten Sie die folgende Liste der versandten Artikel für das mögliche erste Widerrufsrecht. Einige von diesen werden in die Vitrinen gestellt und können nicht lange dauern. GFRC Neue Sendungen setzen halbe Dimes: 1846 PCGS V30 OGH Edelstein-Original mit großem Augenaufruf 1865 PCGS VF35 Kinder Pedigree Wahl Original Sitzplätze: 1839 F-105a PCGS AU58 so schön 1856-O F-108b F15 voll rückwärts cud 1856-O F - 109 VF 1886-S F-102 PCGS EF40 nettes ursprüngliches Grau 1887-S AU55 F-107 sehr spät sterben Zustand zerbrochenes rückseitiges 1890-S F-112 sterben gouge VF Wahl ursprüngliches gesetztes halbes Dollar: 1846-O Med Datum PCGS AU58 Wahl ursprünglich 1866-S Kein Motto PCGS EF40 Kein Motto Freitagmorgen ist unglaublich beschäftigt mit dem LSCC regionalen Treffen um 9:00 Uhr und dann wieder auf dem Bürgersteig für 10:00 Uhr und zeigen offen. Um 11:00 Uhr gebe ich einen einstündigen Vortrag über die Entwicklung einer Passion für Freiheitssitzplätze in den Räumen 122123. Wow, FUN sorgte für eine umfangreiche Zuschreibung im Showprogramm und in zwei Besprechungsräumen. Um 12:00 Uhr gehe ich zum GFRC 1827 zurück und kann mich für ein paar Minuten entspannen. Aber hoffentlich nicht zu lange. So schließt den heutigen Blog. Zeit für eine Dusche, ein gesundes Frühstück und Stand Eröffnung um 8.30 Uhr. Haben Sie einen großen Tag Willkommen zum täglichen Blog und Ft Lauderdale SPA Report. Die Fahrt von Venedig nach Ft. Lauderdale war ereignislos und unser erstes Mal durch I-75 quotalligator Alley. quot Alligator Gasse ist eine Ost-West-Autobahn, die Südflorida zwischen Neapel und Ft Lauderdale verbindet. Wir kamen mit viel Zeit, hatten ein schönes Mittagessen und das Broward County Convention Center. Anreise mit dem Auto kann verwirrend sein als Zugang zum Kongresszentrum und Port Everglades Schiff Hafen ist von der gleichen Straße. Man muss sorgfältig Zeichen lesen, während der Fahrt. FUN Show Dealer Setup Day GFRC hat in der Regel Pech mit FUN und ANA Organisationen mit Händlern Verzeichnisse und Beschilderung. Yesterday was typical. Upon arriving to booths 18251827, there was no GFRC signage. Yes, W. David Perkins has his sign but nothing for Gerry Fortin Rare Coins. After several complaints, we were informed that other dealers had similar problems and signage was being made and overnighted to the show. We shall see. At least, the GFRC listing in FUN show directory is correct this year. If visiting the FUN show today, Gerry Fortin Rare Coins is at table 1827 and please look for the W. David Perkins 1825 sign. We are easy to spot with two connected corner tables. Dealer setup went smoothly though the bourse floor was like a sauna with no air conditioning for the first few hours. Dock doors were open to allow large dealer staging items to enter until 4:00pm, then the air conditioning finally was turned on. Otherwise a smooth setup. Since GFRC is a retailer dealer, the focus of dealer setup day is careful buying. A fresh Liberty Seated dime set debutted on the floor and I was provided early access. Then my favorite wholesale dealer arrived with more purchases. Following are new purchases to consider and please email me quickly for FRoR, prices and camera photos as these coins are or will be in the bourse case by 10:00am. Capped Bust 10c: 1832 JR-4 PCGS EF45 CAC choice original Fresh to Market Seated 10c: 1840 Drapery PCGS AU55 rare grade, frosty while with cartwheel luster 1849-O PCGS EF45 F-102 small O undergraded and pretty 1856 F-111 DDO PCGS MS63 gem original hammered strike OGH 1855 PCGS MS64 choice original full strike 1855 PCGS MS63 gem for grade full strike 1873 PCGS MS63 Open 3 CAC rare grade and one of the finest 1886 PCGS MS63 CAC OGH undergraded gem Seated 25c: 1875-CC PCGS VF35 CAC choice original gray, difficult date Seated 50c: 1870-S PCGS EF40 CAC choice original medium gray, tough date GFRC Open Registry Community Project Wow. The Open Registry set tally is 188 this morning as more collectors are finding time to showcase their hobby efforts. In the Liberty Seated half time category, the Electic Peak collector has taken the number 1 spot with an awesome 94 complete mint state set with average grade of 65.1. I cant wait to see the images. Early Close to Todays Blog Yes, it is time for a shower, then breakfast and heading to the Broward Convention center for bourse floor open at 8:30am. Thank you for visiting and please check back tomorrow for a Day 1 FUN show report. Have a great day and if attending, please come by Table 1827 to say hello. Greetings on a Wednesday morning as the much anticipated FUN show arrives with dealer setup at 2:00pm Tuesday turned out to be a long day with a host of preparation tasks but GFRC is ready for the Ft. Lauderdale drive this morning. While hand picking each coin to be transported and offered for sale at FUN, some price reductions were in order on several consignments. Please check the price lists as all price reductions have been marked with the New Price label. Todays Blog will be brief given the pending drive and last minute preparation. I will attempt to write FUN Daily Show reports each evening so please check at regular Daily Blog publishing times. GFRC Open Registry Community Project Tuesday saw the GFRC Mountain View consignor adding his Liberty Seated quarter sets. Congratulations go out to this collector for loading the first 100 complete Seated quarter date and mintmark set on the Open Registry. GFRC has sold many duplicates from this consignor and he has purchased a fair amount also Matt assessed the Liberty Seated half dollar changes from Bill Bugert and reports a substantial rewrite of the Seated half dollar portion of the database will be necessary for the multiple set loading function as part of the release. He is projecting to have the rewrite completed by mid January and asks for your understanding. The total number of sets in the Open Registry climbed to 169 overnight and I believe we are just getting started. Global Financial News Spot gold prices continues to slowly march forward and are quoted at 1167 this morning. Seeking Alpha headlines suggest a pick-up in European inflation. There is even positive news about Japanese factory activity. Consumer prices across the eurozone reached a high not seen for almost four years, jumping 1.1 in December, mainly supported by a surge in energy prices. Its good news for the ECB, which has a current inflation target of just below 2. Data overnight also showed a strong end of year for euro area business activity, with the blocs final composite PMI climbing to 54.4 last month, the highest level since May 2011. Euro 0.3 to 1.0436. Japanese factory activity expanded at the fastest pace in a year in December as orders picked up, in an encouraging sign that the struggling economy may be regaining momentum. The final MarkitNikkei Manufacturing PMI rose to 52.4 on a seasonally adjusted basis, higher than a preliminary reading of 51.9 and a final 51.3 in November. The Nikkei closed up 2.5 on the news. FUN Show Highlights GFRC will have all major coins in inventory on display (and for purchase) at the show. Following is a reminder on why collectors should be visiting Tables 18251827 on Thursday through Saturday. A second reminder that Gerry Fortin will be giving a presentation entitled, Developing a Passion for Liberty Seated Dimes, on Friday morning at 11:00am. Please check the FUN show program for the meeting room location. Thank you for stopping by and looking forward to seeing many GFRC customers, consignors and friends at the FUN show. Have a great day. Greetings on a Tuesday morning and welcome to the Daily Blog. Today will be a mad scramble towards preparing for the FUN show drive to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow morning. Shipments must be brought to the Venice Island post office while retrieving packages that are on hold from last week. Then there is a visit to NGC in Sarasota to pick up a United States gold submission along with a day of last minute consignment preparations. Wednesday brings 2:00pm GFRC setup at the much anticipated FUN show. Yesterday saw a record number and amount of consignment payments being prepared. Each consignor received a courtesy email with COIN account report. One of those consignors was Poetic Candy and, of course, provided a poem for the occasion. To me I never understand, In fact I think it funny, That to everyone I know, The most important thing is money. As for me, I need no money, And I8217m not telling any lies, The only thing I really need, Is what the money buys. GFRC Consignment News Prices were settled for the latest Osprey Collection lot of United States 2.5 quarter eagles with those pieces added to the price lists this morning. Please pay special attention as the lot offers several tiny mintage dates and overall rarity including the 1843-O Large Date, 1874 and 1880 examples. If interested, please contact me asap as these will be in the FUN show bourse floor cases along with the rest of GFRCs United States gold offerings. If time allows, I will process Highwood Collection images today for Wednesdays Blog. GFRC Open Registry Community Project It seems that each day brings more participants and sets to the Open Registry as the number of sets grew to 157 on Monday. Bill Bugert completed his Liberty Seated half dollar rarity weight assessments and added WB-1xx variety numbers to all set entries. Matt has the file and indicated being able to update the database by coming weekend. So Liberty Seated half dollar collectors should plan to start entering their sets next week. Osprey has already proposed two United States gold type sets to start the rollout of gold sets in the Open Registry. My attention will move in this direction after the FUN show. The Massachusetts Collection consignor also jumped in to lend a hand In yesterdays blog, I mention that many photography questions were arriving via email as collectors wish to add images to their Open Registry sets. I remember writing a Blog with detailed review of the GFRC photography process and committed to locate and republish. The Massachusetts consignor located the content in the July 2015 Blog and save me considerable time. Many thanks Tom Following is the entire article. Featured Topic of the Day: Coin Photography Smart phones and tablets contain optics and software to capture adequate photographs but when it comes to high resolution imaging for numismatic retail business, more sophistication equipment, software and techniques are necessary. Im sure that others believe they are experts on coin photography so todays topic is an explanaton of the techniques employed at GFRC. The goal of this discussion is not to judge who has the best images or which photography process is superior. The GFRC process has been optimized over a period of 13 years and Im still learning new tricks every week. To bring about high quality digital coin images, each step in the photography and imaging process must be optimized. If there is a weak link in the chain, then the overall chain strength is diminished. The same applies for digital imaging. I see the following parameters as being absolutely critical towards generating quality photographs - Lighting - Camera settings and operation - Digital Image processing techniques Then one has to consider the item to be photographed. Raw coins are much easier to photograph than TPG holdered coins. The latest generation of PCGS and NGC edge view holders are very challenging due to new holder designs with multi angled plastic edges that will reflect light at unexpected angles. So lets start with Lighting. Lighting selection is a critical parameter as each lighting source option generates its own color bias during photography along with emphasizing or hiding defects on a coins surface. I believe that natural sunlight is the best lighting source for generating images that most closely capture a coins natural colors. Have you tried viewing coins under halogen, incandescent, flourescent and natural lighting Each lighting source produces different results. Therefore it is critical to decide early on which lighting source best fits your publishing needs. At GFRC, I believe in selling coins with beautiful original toning so natural lighting is selected. Next is the Camera. Camera technology continues to evolve with super Mega Pixel options. I dont pay much attention to the latest developments as I use an old camera dating back to a 2002 release the Nikon CoolPix 995 with bayonent mount. This is a large solid camera that is easily mounted on a stereo microscope with adapter that slides over one of the lens pieces. A quotphotodomequot is also available that mounts on the camera and provides a simple but elegant solution for quotsetting upquot the photography bench where ever bright sunlight is available. The quotphotodomequot solves many problems including the proper focal length between coin and camera, eliminating lighting source shadowing and providing portability. Much more expensive photography benchs are common with multiple lightning sources and a stand mounted camera. These benchs are not portable (they remind me of the old time audiophile component racks) and have their limitations though producing incredible images. PCGS TruView is an example of a sophisticated bench mounted system with special lighting sources. Camera Operation: To capture the best possible images in terms of natural contrast and colors, my rule of thumb is F-Stop gt 7.0 and Shutter Speed at 1500 sec. Todays blog will not go into F-stop or shutter speed explanations. you can Google those topics at your convenience. The best possible image contrast is captured at the highest F-Stop possible in conjunction with the fastest shutter speed. Too much light exposure eliminates (washes out) the delicate details of a high quality coin. Image Processing: Everyone has their favorite image processing software so use the one you are most comfortable with. But always work with TIFF formated files when processing images. The JPEG format is ideal for publishing due to its compressed format and small file size but is lousy format for image processing but has considerble loss of delicate image details due to compression at each image processing step. You must use TIFF regardless of large file sizes during image processing. So take that fresh camera image and immediately save as a TIFF and when done, save as a JPEG. Image processing has the following steps 1) save as a TIFF, 2) rotational aligment, 3) RGB color compensation for lighting and camera bias, 4) contrast and brightness tuning to exactly match the coin in hand, 5) cropping in the white background, 6) resizing to standard website presentation size and 7) saving from TIFF to JPEG format. Within these seven steps, there are lots of subtle tricks that I have acquired over the years. experiment and decide what produces the best results for your needs. Global Financial News We start off 2017 with a strenghtening US dollar while gold is holding on to recent gains at 1147oz. Crude oil starts the year at 55bbl and lets see if production cut agreements will stick between OPEC and non-OPEC producers. The dollar index kicked off the new year by making its biggest one day gain in over two weeks, rising 0.4 to 102.63. Most analysts expect the greenback to continue strengthening in 2017, because the economy appears likely to withstand multiple Fed rate hikes, making it more attractive to hold dollar-denominated assets. Despite pressure from a strong dollar, gold also extended its positive run into the new year following an 8 gain in 2016. It will inevitably be another big year for crude watchers as the truth over whether oil producing countries will cap output is made clear. Jan. 1 marked the official start of the deal agreed by OPEC and non-OPEC member countries in November last year to reduce production by almost 1.8M barrels per day. In the session today, crude is pushing higher: WTI 2.4 to 55bbl. The British manufacturing sector appears to be doing just fine regardless of the Brexit vote. The Brexit bashing continues after British manufacturing growth soared to a two-and-a-half-year high last month, fueled by new orders from both home and abroad. Markits U. K. Manufacturing PMI rose to 56.1, from 53.6 in November, faring much better than many economists predicted in the aftermath of the vote to leave the EU. The FTSE 100 hit a new record high on the news, rising 0.5 to 7173.50. And finally, Finland is experimenting with a radical idea. As long as you are an adult and alive, you get paid. This is an example of what economist call quothelicopter moneyquot ie. free money from the sky to boost economic activity. Finland has started a radical experiment: Its giving 2,000 citizens a quotuniversal basic incomequot of euro560 a month, with funds that keep flowing whether participants work or not. The program is hoped to cut government red tape, reduce poverty and boost employment, and could be expanded to include all adult Finns if successful. Featured Coins of the Day Im rather partial to Liberty Seated dimes and Top 100 Varieties for some reason. Here are a few candidates to dress up an existing set or to start a new Top 100 Varieties set. So concludes another edition of the Daily Blog. Time for shower and queuing at the Venice Island post office for opening time and then a drive up to NGC. I will be back tomorrow morning with a short Blog followed by the drive to Ft. Lauderdale. Have a great day and please do stop by tables 18251827 to say hello if at the FUN show this week. Welcome to the Daily Blog on Winter FUN show week. This years bourse floor is massive and will provide collectors with outstanding access to all types of numismatic products. Once again, here is the bourse floor map and the location of Gerry Fortin Rare Coins - W. David Perkins Numismatist. We invite you to visit booths 18251827 first for a look at quality Bust, Liberty Seated, United States Gold and also a strong array of World coin offerings. Gerry Fortin Rare Coins - W. David Perkins Numismatist - Tables 18251827 - Winter FUN Overnight, Bill Bugert sent out a preview article of an alarming 1872-S Liberty Seated half dollar counterfeit that resides in recently graded PCGS AU55 holder. There are reports that several more were seen being offered on eBay. This counterfeit will be available for viewing at the LSCC regional meeting on Friday 9:00am and at the LSCC club table. Just click here to download and read the article. GFRC Consignment News Venice weather was partly cloudy on Sunday but I did manage to photograph the new Osprey and Highwoods Collection consignments. Below is the latest Osprey Collection consignment with some important United States 2.5 quarter eagles. Most Blog readers probably dont realize the 1880 date has a tiny mintage of 2,960 and is far from a bullion piece. The 1853 quarter eagle is graded PCGS MS64 CAC and has incredible old time luster. Finally, the 1860 Indian Cent is a JUST BUY IT NOW recommendation with Eagle Eye approval and certificate. Osprey Collection Consignment - January 2, 2017 GFRC Open Registry Community Project The first week Open Registry participation rate is well beyond my expectations as quality sets are being listed. The number of sets is already at 150 without Liberty Seated Halves being active. In particular, I am most impressed with The Iowa Collection of Liberty Seated Quarters. Loading Open Registry Images Matt has remove error checking on the image upload portion of the input template so that collectors can try loading images from their favorite hosting sites. Please give it a try and report back with potential issues. Just remember that the proper URL systnax does not contain any quot(quot or quot)quot. The URL should begin with http: or https: and end with a number or letter no control characters please as part of the image URL link. Ive received several emails from individuals concerning coin photography. This topic requires a long instructional discussion and believe that one was written in a Blog during 2016. Will look for the Blog edition after the FUN show and republish then. Featured Coins of the Day Todays Featured Coins focus shifts to small denomination United States gold. Following are quality gold 1 pieces seeking a new collector home. GFRC will have over 1.5 cases of quality United States gold at the FUN show that includes double stacking given the limited number of cases available vs. the size of GFRC inventory. Do please consider a GFRC purchase today to get the numismatic year rolling GFRC office is open all day as FUN show preparation are underway. Thank you for visiting the Daily Blog this morning. Have a great Monday holiday. Greeting from Venice and Happy New Year as 2017 has arrived Thank-you for starting off the new year with a visit to the Daily Blog. Did I stay up until midnight to watch the Times Square ball drop After a busy week in Orlando and fighting a nasty head cold, bedtime arrived at 9:00 pm and I missed the event. Feeling rested and being ready to tackle another busy numismatic day was a much higher priority. 2017 is off to a great start as an order arrived at 11:30pm December 2016 for the gorgeous Upstate New York 1853 AampR NGC MS61 quarter. Im quite superstitious after years of working in China and believe these is something to the Chinese Lunar calendar, associated horoscopes and good fortune. Opening emails this morning and seeing an initial four figure order to start 2017 is an excellent omen for the upcoming year. There are certain things that run like clockwork in the world. One of those is the publication of the LSCCs E-Gobrecht by editor Bill Bugert. The January 2017 edition arrived to my Inbox last evening at 7:30pm and is another great issue. This is the 13th year that the E-Gobrecht is published, providing timely Liberty Seated Collector Club news, monthly columns and featured articles. In this issue, the featured articles include the announcement of the GFRC Open Registry Community Project along with A Tour of the San Francisco Mint 1856 Part 3 by Jim Laughlin. LSCC FUN Show Regional Meeting and Gerry Fortins Developing a Passion for Liberty Seated Dimes Presentation January 6 will be a busy day at the Winter FUN show in Ft. Lauderdale. The LSCC regional meeting takes place at 9:00am with the following agenda - Attendees Group Photo - 9:00am (so be on time) - Attendee Brief Introductions (name, rank and serial number. ) - Club News including discussion of the LSCC at 2017 ANA Summer Seminar - Gerry Fortin - Discovery of Deceptive 1872-S Liberty Seated Half Dollar Counterfeit - John Frost - Featured Educational Presentation: Liberty Seated Dollars - Stephen Petty At 11:00pm, I will be breaking away from the GFRC table at 18251827 and will provide a one hour crash course on Liberty Seated dimes. This presentation will cover design types, grading, how to develop set collecting objectives followed by a deep dive into key vs. commond dates and major varieties. There will be a substantial amount of material to cover in hours time so this presentation is geared for individuals with basic to advanced numismatic vocabulary and skills. GFRC Open Registry Community Project Update It appears that the GFRC Open Registry is just starting to gain momentum as the set total sits at 145 this morning without inputs for Liberty Seated half dollars. Here is what we can expect during the month of January. - Bill Bugert is finalizing his changes to the Liberty Seated half dollar sets. - Further Seated Dollar set inputs are pending Matt availability to change the weights to Sheldon scale as devised by Stephen Petty. - United States Gold will be the next focus area for incremental sets. Osprey has agreed to begin the definition of gold type sets. Please remember that coins purchased from GFRC will automatically have their images loaded into the Open Registry once the TPG serial number is entered. For raw coins, I will provide the links on a request basis. GFRC Consignment Update Osprey visited the GFRC office yesterday to drop off yet another consignment consisting of United States 2.5 quarter eagles and a gorgeous gem 1860 Indian Cent graded PCGS MS64 with CAC and Eagle Eye approval beans. Also, a shipment from the Highwoods Collection arrived. Following are the details. These will be photographed today and hopefully posted as a Client Gallery on Tuesday morning. Two additional consignments are waiting for me at the Venice PO and Tuesday pickup. Indian 1c: 1860 PCGS MS64 CAC, Eagle Eye approval and absolutely stunning example for the most selective collector Gold 2.5: 1843-O Large Date PCGS AU50 1853 PCGS MS64 CAC a wonderful gem with stunning luster 1854-O NGC MS61 1856-S NGC AU58 1861 PCGS MS64 pretty satiny luster 1874 NGC AU58 1880 NGC AU55 Draped 25c: 1806 VG10 gem for the grade with perfectly original color. should be an instant CAC is accurately graded at TPG Gold 2.5: 1853 NGC MS62 choice with nice satiny luster 1856 NGC AU58 1878 PCGS AU55 better date Gold 5: 1878 NGC AU58 Featured Coins of the Day GFRC has come a long way in building up Liberty Seated half dollar inventory and is now the leading dealer in the industry for this design and denomination. Following is a sample of the broadening inventory 1839 No Drapery and With Drapery Seated halves. These two designs are always in demand by both type and date and mintmark set collectors. Offers are welcomed on any of the following six pieces if not sold at the upcoming FUN show. So ends the Daily Blog for the first day of 2017. Once again, Happy New Year to all GFRC consignors, customers and special friends. Our numismatic community continues to grow and I believe 2017 will be an exciting year for the hobby and gold bullion prices. I will be back tomorrow with more ramblings. Have a great holiday weekend. New Years eve arrives as 2016 comes to a close. A special day and still time to write another Daily Blog edition. Wishing all GFRC customers, consignors, special friends and Daily Blog readers a safe and fun New Years celeberation. For the Fortin family, there are no celebration plans this evening. Weve had a busy week with the Yamatins along with our daughter Renee, and her fiancee Mike, vacationing at Disney World in Orlando and returning to Venice today. It has been a wonderful Fortin family reunion vacation during the past week. Now the FUN show arrives in a few days with a host of orders shipping on Tuesday. GFRC 2016 Reflections 2016 was an incredible year for the GFRC business start-up. Yes, GFRC is still in a start-up mode as numismatic customer service and community building ideas turn to reality. Please indulge me for a few moments as the major accomplishments of the past 365 days are shared. - Osprey joins the GFRC community as a key consignor of United States gold while gold bullion prices awaken and run up above 1300 briefly - Matt Yamatin joins GFRC as IT Director - The COIN system is initially designed, on paper, in late January and launched in May timeframe along with GFRC Quality Ratings. - John Frost, Len Augsburger and Gerry Fortin, are LSCC instructors at the ANA Summer Seminar - Gerry announced the sale of his Top 100 Liberty Seated Dime Varieties Collection - Summer is spent converting GFRC consignors to COIN account reports and automated website price list conversions - Osprey provides a major World Coin consignment with GFRC developing advertising campaign for COIN World - GFRC spreads its wings and attends Summer FUN and CONA shows with positive results - GFRC makes late summer decision to rebuild the Open Registry as next strategic community project - GFRC returns to Shanghai in November with record results at the Yunzhou Antique Mall show Matt adds Google Translator Widget to Daily Blog - The GFRC Open Registry Community Project is launch immediately after Christmas with strong community support - 2016 Year End Statistics - Close to 1650 coins sold with nearly 1000 being consigned - GFRC active Consignor lists grows to over 75 individuals - GFRC pays out 1,350,000 in consignor proceeds since start-up in late 2013 GFRC Open Registry Community Project Update While the Yamatins were traveling to Japan, I spent the better part of Friday updating my Liberty Seated Dime wVarieties set on the Open Registry to showcase his accomplishment. Images and descriptions were ported from PCGS Set Registry. The set is about 50 completed in terms of number of coins having images and descriptions. Some comments are in order - Matts display layout is superior to that of PCGS. The Owner Comment box will auto size based on device screen size. I love the quotcentered coin imagequot presentation approach on laptop screen. - Downloading a large set with images and descriptions takes time. The database extraction must find all the image links and comments. So patience will be required for individuals with slow internet access. - There is an issue with adding images from web image hosting services at the moment. I have an email into Matt to discuss the proper syntax for image URLs. Thank you to the GFRC Community for an incredible 2016 After spending much of my life working for semiconductor corporations, the chance to launch and grow GFRC is a once in a lifetime blessing. GFRCs success would not be possible without the many dedicated customers and consignors who support this business. Then there is W. David Perkins as my major show table partner and overall great guy in the numismatic industry. Im extremely blessed to have Matt Yamatins creativity and intense software development support. Ideas are simply ideas without a strong development platform. To everyone who has consigned to and purchased coins from GFRC, my sincere thank-you and wishes for great numismatic fortune during 2017 Welcome to the Daily Blog on the last Friday during 2016. Another year quickly soars by. The verb quotsoarsquot is purposely used as GFRC had an incredible year during 2016. More on this topic in subsequent Blogs. Matt, Chikae and Natsumi are once again traveling with Tokyo as todays destination. Dad was up at 3:00 am to provide transport to the airport and return just in time to write another Blog edition. It was wonderful having the Yamatins living with us for two weeks and spending quality time with Natsumi. They will be returning to our Maine home during the coming July and August timeframe. Before leaving Matt gave the GFRC community a New Years present. Read on. GFRC Open Registry Community Project Update Set posting at the GRFC Open Registry continues with 128 sets and 19 collectors to date. Within another 30-60 days, I expect the set total to easily reach the 200 count milestone as our community expansion continues. Automatic GFRC Image Posting The important news of the day is automatic image posting for coins purchased from GFRC Yes, Matt was able to add code to the Open Registry whereby entered TPG certificate numbers will trigger a search of the COIN database and upload images if available. If youve purchased coins from GFRC since June 2016, then the image file names are the TPG certificate number and will automatically upload. How is that for service Please remember to enter only the serial number for PCGS coins and not the entire holder number. For NGC numbers, please do not include the (-) before the last three numbers. For coins purchased prior to June 2016, I will provide file names and links on a request basis. Liberty Seated Halves Review I spoke with Bill Bugert yesterday. He has completed the rarity rating review and suggested that the WB numbers be added to the half dollar sets to further simplify variety attribution and entry. We will be working on this improvement over the next few days pending Matts availability to update the system. In the meantime, Liberty Seated Halves set posting will remain on hold. GFRC Consignment News Pricing for the latest Osprey Collection consignment has been finalized. These offerings will be loaded to the price list this morning. Global Financial News Spot gold continues to move forward and is quoted at 1160 this morning. The next two days will bring a host of 2016 reviews and highlight reports. Seeking Alpha published their 2016 review this morning since New Year falls on a weekend. Politics, economics and markets were all turned on their head in 2016, and investors are looking ahead to 2017 following a turbulent year. Highlights: The Panama Papers, Volkswagen Dieselgate settlement, Greek debt relief, Megabrew (Budweiser and SAB Miller merger), the EUs tax crackdown, sale of Yahoo, nuclear test and impeachment in Korea, Pokemon Go, Twitter takeover rumors, Brexit and sterlings plunge, the Italian referendum, panic at Germanys Deutsche Bank and Italys Monte dei Paschi bank, OPECs output deal, and following Donald Trumps election - a Fed rate hike, the dollars surge and soaring treasury yields. The Dow, SampP and Nasdaq also partied like it was 1999 - the three markets all closed at historic highs for the first time in 17 years. Featured Coins of the Day Todays featured coins are from the Seated and Traded Dollar price list. Collecting large denomination early type United States coinage is quite challenging as much of the surviving population has been cleaned. In recent years, third party grading services have also become more lenient on certification standards so caution is advised. So ends another edition of the Daily Blog with regular posting time. Thank you for checking in. Of course, there will be more numismatic ramblings posted tomorrow so do please check back. Have a great day Greetings once again as 2016 comes to an end. Thank you for being a loyal Daily Blog reader. My apology for the late Daily Blog postings during the past two days. The head cold is somewhat better but still quite a nuisance with liquids and sleep being the imperatives. One reader joking commented via email that, quot Get that cold straightened out. you throw my whole morning routine off when the blog is late ) quot GFRC Consignment News Pleez B Seated Part 3 Collection Im pleased to report that recommended pricing for the last of the Pleez B Seated halves has been approved. These will be loaded to the price list after the Daily Blog is completed. We can expect the better dates to sell quickly. Another outstanding offering from the Osprey Collection is displayed next. As usual, the United States gold should garner considerable attention along with choice silver pieces. My favorites in the lot included the 1845-O PCGS AU50 Seated half, assigned a gem quality rating, along with the 1838 Classic Head 5 NGC AU58 CAC piece and the 1854 Large Date 20 double eagle graded PCGS AU53. Most of the United States gold is freshly graded and sourced from Europe in the November timeframe. I hope the following Osprey Client Galley is enjoyed this morning. First Right of Refusal (FRoR) should be used to reserve potential acquisitions. This lot should be posted to the price list later tomorrow. Osprey Collection Consignment - December 29, 2016 Emails are arriving from several GFRC clients proposing consignments after the FUN show. Collection pruning towards raising capital for more long term and strategic collecting goals is the common theme. Im honored to be trusted by a growing number of collectors in the GFRC community. Incremental consignments will continue to be announced in the Daily Blog. Global Financial News Spot gold is catching a tailwind and is quoted at 1147 this morning. Crude oil is holding recent gains at 54bbl. The financial media is creating considerable drama concerning the Dow 20,000 milestone. To everyones disappointment the Dow lost ground yesterday the media has another day to speculate. The Santa rally has run out of steam. U. S. stocks declined on Wednesday in the second biggest loss since the election. The Dow opened just a short hop away from 20,000 but then lost 111 points, falling to 19,833, while the SampP 500 fell 18 to 2,249. Ripples from Wall Street have spread overseas overnight and U. S. futures are not looking too bright in the penultimate trading session of the year. International politics and finance may be a bit exciting as 2017 arrives. Obama is using the last days of his administration to cement an agenda while Trump appears to be shaking up established international policies. None will be more important than the relationship with China. China is quietly struggling with a slowing economy and Trumps promises to reduce a trade defict by moving manufacturing back to the United States will only add pressure onto Xi Jinping. Taiwan appears to be the pressure point. Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen will pass through the United States when she visits Latin America next month, angering China which urged authorities to block any such stopover by stating quotwe hope the U. S. can abide by the one China policy. quot The transit details are being closely watched as Taiwan media has speculated Tsai will seek to meet President-elect Donald Trumps transition team ahead of his Jan. 20 inauguration. Featured Coins of the Day One of the GFRC 2017 resolutions is to continue expanding Capped Bust coinage offerings. At this point, GFRC is well known for its broad Liberty Seated inventory and consignments for those denomination are pouring in. The Open Registry, with its in depth variety sets, is a first step towards offering Capped Bust collectors a fun collecting community platform. Following are some of my favorite smaller denomination Capped Bust pieces in inventory. So ends another Daily Blog edition. Thanks for stopping by and checking out these numismatic ramblings. My head cold appears to be waning and hopefully Fridays Blog will be a bit more timely. Have a great day. Welcome to the Daily Blog on a Wednesday morning. 2016 is quickly coming to a close with the New Year arriving on Sunday. Todays Blog is a bit behind schedule due to a nasty head cold and the need for additional sleep and early morning rest. GFRC Open Registry Community Project Launch Update Set building at the GFRC Open Registry continues at a torrid pace with 118 sets online when writing todays Blog. As a reference, the old manual Open Registry reached 195 sets before becoming unsupportable. Favorable comments continue to arrive by email. Following are a few excerpts. The new GFRC Open Registry is simply amazing. Finally had the opportunity to start some sets. Matt and you both are to be congratulated. The only part that is still a bit of a mystery is how to include images. Is the registry open for images yet Adding images to the GFRC Open Registry is as simple as copying and pasting the image URL from an image hosting service. Unfortunately, GFRC has no plans to host Open Registry images unless the coins are purchased from GFRC. When coins are purchased from GFRC, the price list images remain in the COIN database and can be linked in the Open Registry. Hi Gerry, I think that what you and Matt have done on this is so innovative. Im so amazed with how easy you guys have made it to enter coins and how they cross each other to different sets, Its truly a ground breaking idea. I have entered my dimes but I did the Wrong entry on the name of my sets, I added THE and COLLECTION to it and now it says The The Tony Alberts Collection Collection. In this particular case, Matt will perform a search and replace in the database to remove the extra THE and COLLECTION from each Open Registry entry. Liberty Seated Halves and Dollars in GFRC Open Registry Users will note that Liberty Seated Half dollar sets remain unavailable. This is intentional as we hope the numismatic expert can find time to review the rarity ratings and make appropriate adjustments. If not, we will go live with Liberty Seated Half dollar sets this weekend. For Liberty Seated Dollars, Ive corresponded with Stephen Petty towards replacing the current 1-10 rarity weight method with the Sheldon scale. Stephen has provided his inputs and Matt will be making the conversion hopefully before leaving for Japan this Friday. GFRC Consignment Update More consignments are being committed and should start arriving tomorrow and Friday. This is the pre FUN show rush as collectors wish to have their coins placed for sale at this major numismatic event. On Monday, the Highwoods Collection consignor offered a small denomination United States gold consignment. Following are the contents. Gold 2.5: 1853 NGC MS62 blazing orange patina 1856 NGC AU58 choice orange gold 1878 PCGS AU55 Pleez B. Seated Part 3 Update Ive not heard back from the consignor on recommended pricing proposal. He is probably travel as a holiday week. Already five pieces are on FRoR. Featured Coins of the Day Lets close out the Blog with the West Texas early half dimes on this Wednesday morning. If these remain unsold by FUN, then they are heading back to the consignor and probably going to eBay. Any offers are most welcomed at this point in time as GFRC would love to sell a few towards compensation for the listing and marketing efforts. Thank you for visiting the Daily Blog during the Christmas through New Year holiday week. Yes, the Venice GFRC remains open for your end of year coin purchases. Have a great day Greetings on a holiday week Tuesday morning and thank you for stopping by the Daily Blog. The major news of the day is the launch of the revised Open Registry module, so lets jump right into that commentary. GFRC Open Registry Community Project Launch Update Monday was a hectic but rewarding day as a result of the GFRC Open Registry Community launch. Attempts to diagnose the Microsoft ExplorerEdge login issue resulted in experimentation with my laptop and clearing out cache and historical passwords, then a reboot. So far, the Open Registry is working fine on my system at the cost of losing all auto save passwords (a real pain). But overall, we were pleased with the limited number of phone calls or emails asking for technical support. Matt has an important presentation to prepare for a Decoding Sustainability client and has minimal time to support GFRC issues during the next few days. Following are some learnings from yesterday. 1. GFRC will not be moving existing sets from the old Open Registry to the new system. Collectors must re-enter their sets and given the intuitive nature of the new system, this should be straightforward. 2. Please be careful when establishing sets. If a set is established, then the multiple listing function for coin entries will place coins in those sets. 3. When selecting a name for Open Registry account, please do not use quotThe XXXX Collectionquot. Rather simply select a name and the software will bracket your name with quotThe, Collectonquot automatically when displaying sets. First Day Statistics Im pleased to report that within 24 hours of launch, there are 13 participating collectors and 78 sets are loaded. I found time to load my Liberty Seated dime datemintmark set but still have much to add as many others collectors. Who knows, we may be over 100 sets by the end of today A GFRC consignor and new Open Registry participant sent along the following email to express his thanks for the Open Registry Community Project release Great job to you and Matt for making the new GFRC Open Registry a reality I have been anticipating the new Registry since first being mentioned in October and it did not disappoint. As a Seated Quarter collector, I believe the biggest problems with other Registry sites have been the ability to add coins of all certifications (including raw coins) and the lack of weighting given to rare dates. The GFRC Open Registry addresses these issues along with a CAC bonus. I have navigated through the new web pages and entered coins from my collection with ease. The site is user friendly and works well on my Chrome browser. I look forward to more added features that will link the For Sale List to the new Registry and recognize the time and effort needed to make all of this happen. Keep up the great work in making GFRC a huge asset to the Numismatic hobby Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, Woodbridge Consigner GFRC Consignment News If launching the new Open Registry was not enough excitement for one day, the Pleez B. Seated Part 3 collection was priced and all images processed. Following are the contents of the entire Part 3 consignment. Once offer prices are confirmed, the consignment will be loaded to the price lists. Please note the 1866-S No Motto, 1873-CC No Arrows and low mintage date Philadelphia halves in the Client Gallery. Pleez B. Seated Halves - Part 3 Collection - December 27, 2016 Consignments Wanted: Early Silver Commemoratives in MS64 and MS65 Grades for China Market During 2017, GFRC will continue to place emphasis on expanding China sales for quality United States coins. The primary demand area is currently Early Silver Commemoratives. If any GFRC customers have an early silver commemorative set that might be a divestment target, then please contact me as Harry and I have demand for these. CAC approval is preferred but choice original surfaces are important. Global Financial News As 2017 approaches, the Chinese economy is garnering attention for potential slow down. Chinas foreigns reserves have dropped by 25, a staggering 1 Trillion in the past 18 months, with external capital flight being the primary issue. There are those inside China that worry about a hard economic landing and are moving their fortunes overseas. In this mornings Seeking Alpha headlines, President Xi Jinping sends a signal that the 6.5 economic growth target is not sacred a powerful statement from the Chinese leader. Global equities and U. S. futures are largely unchanged as some of the worlds major financial markets reopened following a long holiday weekend. Although trading is expected to be thin this week, some are saying that concerns about Italian banks, Chinese growth and an overplayed Trump rally may keep investors on edge into the start of 2017. Is a so-called Santa Claus rally still in the cards President Xi Jinping isnt wedded to Chinas 6.5 economic growth objective due to concerns about rising debt and an uncertain global environment after Donald Trumps election win in the U. S. Bloomberg reports. Xi told a meeting of the Communist Party8217s financial and economic leading group that China doesnt need to meet the objective if doing so creates too much risk. Then there is Japan with its economy in a perpetual state of malaise. Japans consumer prices fell for the ninth straight month in November, slipping 0.4 from a year earlier, as the nation struggles to shake off deflation that has plagued its economy. The news comes after Governor Haruhiko Kuroda defended the BOJs yield curve control and shrugged off criticism that his 2 inflation target was too ambitious. Featured Coins of the Day A reminder that the Venice GFRC office remains open through the balance of the week. Purchases would be appreciated as a portion of consignor commissions are allocated to website development projects. There are numerous great coins in GFRC inventory to augment your Open Registry sets Following are some early date Liberty Seated dimes to consider. As always, thank you for checking in at the Daily Blog and for your GFRC numismatic purchases. We are indeed building a strong community and I am quite proud of this fact. Have a great holiday week Welcome to the Daily Blog on the day after Christmas. To be honest, Christmas in Florida for this Maine family was quite an adjustment. We missed the cold weather, the snow and large family get togethers. Christmas Eve activity was a day trip to the Myakka River Park in Sarasota so that Natsumi could enjoy the boat ride and see the numerous alligators. The second generation GRC Open Registry is now live but only works reliably using Google Chrome as a browser. We have a bug with Microsoft ExplorerEdge that occasionally blocks the Login In operation. Secondly, we will be operating the old Open Registry at current link and the new GFRC Open Registry with separate link. The idea is to allow collectors to access their old Open Registry data while porting to the new system. Read on for more details. Blog readers are invited to visit and explore this collector community module for competitive set publicity. The new Open Registry offers major enhancements with respect to the old style manual Open Registry. A primary goal was the direct collector management of their sets and removing me as a bottleneck in the Open Registry process. Weve simplified the coin entry process and used overlapping coin entries between sets where possible. Matt developed a system that is intuitive while providing considerable functionality and ease of use for average through advanced collectors. The key goals include - An inclusive registry for collectors to showcase both their certified and uncertified coins. - Increase collector awareness, particularly for Capped Bust and Seated coinage - Create friendly competition among GFRC community in a fun manner without annual awards or expensive luncheons. - Free collectors working on top registry collections to pursue the best possible coin rather than being limited to a single third-party holder or forced to cross, which can be a poor financial decisions with CACed coins. - Add a scoring premium for for CAC approved coins which recognizes the market pricing premium. Following is a brief tutorial for getting started. Collectors must create a GFRC account with email and password. You will receive a confirmation email for account setup and please save the confirmation email to access the password in the future. There is no automated software to re-issue new password if forgotten. To get started, click on the new GFRC Login link located on the website banner and input your email and password. This will be the access point for the GFRC Open Registry. Once your account is establisbed, the following screen appears. Please note the new header bar for links to GRC website functions. On the right (in black outline), is starting point for establishing an Open Registry set. On the left is the menu for accessing existing sets for editting. On the below screen capture is an example of the access box for Liberty Seated dime sets. An entry into any one of these sets will population all sets. On the following screen capture is the individual set entry screen. Matt has done an excellent job with an intuitive feel during data entry. He defined all applicable sets for each coin entry followed by adding grade, TPG type from selection menu or uncertified, TPG serial number and CAC approval level. Collectors can also add image link and commentary for each coin. I would like to sincerely thank Matt for the vaste amount of development work necessary to build the revised GFRC Open Registry. Also, please understand that there is a Login bug with Microsoft ExplorerEdge that we must deal with until eventually resolved. We have not tested GFRC Open Registry on FireFox browser either. The old Open Registry will disappear by end of March 2017 allowing collectors three months to port their sets to the new GFRC Open Registry. Please remember that the GFRC Open Registry is a free numismatic community project for expanding the hobby with development funding via your GFRC purchases. No other coin dealer invests in these types of module to expand the coin hobby. The existing PCGS and NGC Set Registries are now exclusive to their own products in order to drive more revenueprofit to support these type of functions. GFRC Consignment News The Pleez B. Seated Part 3 offerings will be priced today and hopefully all images will be processed for a Client Gallery feature in the next 48 hours. Featured Coins of the Day The Venice GFRC office remains open through the balance of the week with a vaste amount of quality inventory. On Christmas Eve, the Port Matilda consignor issued price reductions for many of his offerings. With the new price reductions, the following pieces are a bargain and GFRC customers might pay close attention this morning. Sometimes, there is a Santa Claus in numismatics Thank you for returning to the Daily Blog on December 26. The Blog will be available through the balance of the week as preparations are underway for the FUN show in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida next week. Have a great day Welcome to the Daily Blog on Christmas Eve 2016 as another year passes by so quickly Wishing all Blog readers a Merry Christmas and hope family reunions and parties are a joyful event. In celebration of Christmas Day, there will be no Blog tomorrow rather sleeping in a bit and relaxing with family. GFRC Consignment News As promised yesterday, following are highlights from the Pleez B. Seated Collection Part 3. There is a nice ecletic mix of dates in the Part 3 offering. Below are those pieces that caught my eye for combination of overall quality andor date rarity. The balance of the Pleez B Seated collection will be featured in the December 26 Daily Blog and then loaded onto the price lists. Pleez B. Seated Halves - Part 3 Highlights - December 24, 2016 More consignments continue to be committed by email with several arriving just in time for the FUN show. Most significant is the Woodlands Collection consignor who plans to send the following lot this coming week. Please note that every piece is CAC approved and in mint state grade except for the 1846 EF45 date. Im so pleased to have an influx of quality Liberty Seated dimes. Seated 10C: 1838 10c Lg stars PCGS MS65 CAC 1846 10c PCGS XF45 CAC so choice and purchased from GFRC 1872 10c PCGS MS65 CAC 1878 10c PCGS MS66 CAC 1887 10c PCGS MS65 CAC another choice piece from GFRC that has been upgraded Consignments Wanted: Early Silver Commemoratives in MS64 and MS65 Grades for China Market During 2017, GFRC will continue to place emphasis on expanding China sales for quality United States coins. The primary demand area is currently Early Silver Commemoratives. If any GFRC customers have an early silver commemorative set that might be a divestment target, then please contact me as Harry and I have demand for these. CAC approval is preferred but choice original surfaces are important. So Ends the Daily Blog for Today See you on December 26. Welcome to the Daily Blog on a Friday morning with Christmas Eve arriving tomorrow. Hurray for the USPS office lines being gone now that the Christmas shipment window is closed. GFRC can once again perform a quick shipment drop off as part of a busy day. The new Osprey consignment was photographed on Thursday and grand daughter Natsumi took a particular interest in helping her grandpa with the project. She helped carry a few slabbed coins (with two hands) during the multiple sessions and performed a careful image quality review while sitting on my lap. Im pleased to report that the Osprey coins were nicely photographed and now sit in the image processing queue. GFRC Open Registry Update Matt has been literally working non stop on Open Registry development along with training for the Great Wall Marathon given the ideal Venice running weather. I asked Matt to share a summary of his development efforts. He writes. The idea to transition Gerry8217s Open Registry concept from a sheer brute force initiative to a modern and automated approach is synonymous with many of the GFRC improvements I attempt to tackle. As you have all heard before, Gerry is the marketer, photographer, shipper, customer service rep, website manager, accountant, etc. for GFRC. While I believe he takes pride in the ability to cover all these areas, it can stretch him a bit at times. Additionally, the all-hands on deck mentality can result in business approaches that work but are far from optimized. Much like the automation trend that is and will continue to occur around the world, my priority is to allow my father do more in less time. Rebuilding the GFRC inventory database to allow for automatic website generation (COIN system) was the first step. While smaller improvements have been made, the Open Registry marks the next big step. The Open Registry concept was started nearly a decade ago and concisely summarizes two characteristics of my father 8211 brute force determination and competition. Alas, the Open Registry was ultimately a victim of those same characteristics, which drove GFRC8217s success but placed the Registry in a dormant state to the disappointment of many, none greater than my fathers. That is all about to change as I can confidently say that the Open Registry will return shortly in its rebuilt format. Staying true to the original version, any collector will be able to submit both certified and raw coins directly into any one of the currently 43 different available sets using an online form. Where input coins overlap identically with multiple sets, they will automatically add to each applicable set (this functionality required a code rewrite and was the cause of the launch delay). Upon submitting a coin, your collection metrics will automatically update on the public index 8211 let the keeping up with the Jones begin. Full details will become available upon launch. GFRC Consignment Update Saw Mill Run Collection Over 40 of the consignment is now sold or on hold. Thank you to everyone who had a Hell Yes moment and added one of these outstanding pieces to their collections. Upstate New York Collection The latest Upstate New York offerings are fully loaded and described. Let the sales process begin. Already a kind soul has decided to give the 1861 Seated half, entombed in PCI holder, a new loving home. Pleez B Seated Part 3 These lovely Seated halves will see their images processed today and I may have some to share in Saturday mornings Blog. New offerings are photographed. These lovely offerings reached the price list during evening hours and already the 1862 Seated half is on hold. Great coins dont last long at GFRC. Please pay attention to the 1873-S Traded dollar graded PCGS AU58 CAC. If in the market for an absolutely stunning Trade dollar, then this is the piece for you. Wisconsin Collection Consignment - December 23, 2016 Global Financial News Global currency markets are on hold as the holiday season arrives. Everyone is expecting a strenghtening US Dollar during 2017 based on the Federal Reserves forecast for more interest rate increases. A strenghtening US Dollar will continue to place press on gold prices. Its hard to find a pulse in the currency market today as dealers pack up for the holidays, though the mood remains bullish for more dollar gains in the New Year. quotYields spreads should attract more capital into the USD, quot said Ray Attrill, global co-head of forex at NAB. The dollar index is marginally higher at 103.05 and within striking distance of the weeks 103.65 peak. Brexit vote has not impacted the U. K. economy as growth remains sustained at a 2.3 annual level. The U. K. economy grew faster than previously thought in the three months following Junes vote to leave the EU, according to fresh estimates that suggest there was no significant post-referendum slowdown. GDP growth rose 0.6 compared with initial estimates of 0.5. On an annualized basis, the figure was revised to 2.3, up from 2 previously. Saubi Arabia continues to adapt to lower oil prices and reforming its economy. I would sure love to see sub 3 gasoline prices through the end of the decade. Saudi Arabia will gradually link domestic energy prices to international benchmarks over the next few years as the kingdom seeks to deepen economic reform and balance its budget by the end of the decade. Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih said poorer Saudis hit hard by the end to subsidies on utilities and fuel would be compensated with monthly cash deposits. Featured Coins of the Day Id like to remind Blog readers that the Saw Mill Run consignor previously consigned an important lot of Liberty Seated quarters and several of those offerings remain available. Yes, collecting Liberty Seated quarters is not for the faint of heart as this denomination heavily circulated throughout the United States. Locating choice original examples of certain dates could take a decade or more. Following are some Saw Mill Run offerings to consider. Thank you making a stop at the Daily Blog a regular part of your busy day. At GFRC, every day is special and Im so pleased to be sharing quality coins and personal insights with the numismatic community. Yes, I will be back, live from Venice Florida, on Christmas Eve with another edition of the Blog. Have a great day Greetings on a Thursday morning before Christmas weekend. Occassionally, a morning arrives where these is absolutely no content ideas for the Daily Blog. This is one of those mornings. I had originally planned to conduct a review of the individual online new media outlets and showcase the far ranging opinions coupled with the extensive filler content or quotnoisequot. Instead, I spent the evening on a much more worthwhile endeavour playing with Natsumi with color crayons and teaching geometric shapes. The experience was priceless and you, my dear Blog readers, have no content as a result. GFRC Open Registry I prematurely announced the Open Registry module back in mid October as the development effort was just not ready for prime time. Many users of the Open Registry were disappointed and I apologize for this fact. During OctoberNovember timeframe, Matts Decoding Sustainability consulting business grew quickly leaving no time for GFRC development support. Since arriving in Venice, Matt has spent days on completing software development. When a genuis is at work, it is best to not disturb him, rather patiently waiting for the outcome. Weve discussed a few options including individual coin entry re-use between certain sets but otherwise, the development effort has been an incredibly focused and personal challenge for Matt. When ready, I will ask Matt to write the introduction and feature here in the Daily Blog. Daily Blog Reader Feedback During Wednesday Blog, I mentioned that the stock market has increased too quickly since the Trump election. Dale Miller, LSCC Secretary and Treasurer, sent along the following commentary in response to the observation. I saw your blog this morning about the stock market. I am among those who fear that the rally has gone too far, too fast. One analyst reported that if the bull market ended right now, it would be the second most richly valued top in history in terms of trailing P-E ratio. The one thing that tempers my concern is your report that the Dow Average first hit 10,000 in 1999. Thats 17 years ago. Applying the Rule of 72, it implies a compound growth rate of just over 4. That is certainly not unreasonable, and lower than longer term averages. In my opinion the best case scenario would be if the market traded pretty flat for a year or two, rather than making a precipitous drop, allowing earnings to bring valuations back to a more reasonable level, and for more realistic expectations to be priced in on how much of President Trumps tax, trade, and regulation policy will be enacted and how much it will impact the economy. GFRC Consignment News Saw Mill Run Collection The Saw Mill Run Collection reached the price lists at 11:00am on Wednesday morning including being posted at the Featured Collection module. Another wave of orders arrived throughout the day and during overnight hours. Nearly 35 of the collection has been sold within several days of being posted as a Client Gallery and Im sure a few more pieces will sell today. There is no doubt that the Saw Mill Run Collection is a Liberty Seated collectors dream in terms of quality. In the Featured Collection opening description, the owner states the following. As I continued to learn and study the specific issues in the set, the inclusion criterion for new purchases evolved into a binary quothell yesquot or no and I reached a point where it was a very rare event for me to find a coin for sale that I like better for its grade than the one in my set. To be included a coin had to grab my attention immediately, continue to impress under close examination with a glass, and then still make me love it after I had owned it for a few months. The binary quothell yesquot statement accurately describes the feeling I have for many coins in my collection and the rudimentary decision process for accepting a coin when purchased via mail. Great coins simply speak to you when first viewed. The same quothell yesquot thought process is employed for JUST BUY IT NOW recommended coins on GFRC price list. If you see a JUST BUY IT NOW recommendation, then it is a quothell yesquot moment when adding the coin to inventory. Upstate New York Collection Offerings from this collection reached the price list last evening and full descriptions will be added this morning. Pleez B. Seated Part 3 Attention shifts to the balance of the Pleez B. Seated Collection today. Image processing, loading into COIN system and price setting are the tasks before we can go live at some point during Christmas weekend. Global Financial News Global markets are on hold this morning as the Christmas weekend approaches. Even Seeking Alpha headlines are dull and none worth sharing. Featured Coins of the Day The Wisconsin Collection consignor suggested price reductions for his older material. So lets conduct a feature on those coins with the new prices and hopefully, a customer will emerge today. Following are the coins with reduced prices 18471847 NGC EF45 Large Cent - 125, 1865 PCGS MS63 OGH 3 Cent Nickel - 150, 1884 NGC AU58 Liberty Nickel - 150, 1861 PCGS VF35 Seated Half - 140 and 1896 NGC MS63 Toner Morgan - 195. So ends another Daily Blog edition. I hope that everyones Christmas shopping is done and we can all relax during the coming weekend. Thank you for stopping in and yes, Ill be back on Friday morning with more to say. Have a great day. Greetings on a Wednesday morning and thank you for stopping by the Daily Blog. Venice weather continues to be absolutely outstanding for late December with the balance of the weeks forecasted highs at 80F. During the Maine to Florida transition, I packed a decent amount of warm clothes anticipating at least one cold week. So far, so good. Todays Blog edition will be brief as the past several days have been intense with shipments, Saw Mill Run description writing, Shanghai order follow-up and on and on. Last evening, the Fortin and Yamatin family took a break and went out to dinner on Venice Island (The Daiquiri Deck) followed by an early bedtime. Natumi is enjoying herself and spent afternoon time in the clubhouse pool but slept through dinner allowing the adults to enjoy each others company. GFRC Consignment Update Saw Mill Run Collection Todays primary goal is publishing the Saw Mill Run Collection on all price lists including the new Featured Collection link. Two more Saw Mill Run offerings sold yesterday so 20 of the collection has sold via the Daily BlogClient Gallery before reaching the price list. Lets see what happens in the next 48 hours after the balance is published on conventional price lists. Upstate New York Collection Loading into the COIN system today and completing the balance of image processing. Already one offering is sold. Pleez B. Seated Part 3 Photography is completed so the next step is loading into COIN system and establishing retail prices for Alexandria consignor approval. Then comes the image processing and another Client Gallery. In the photography and COIN system loading queue. Wisconsin Collection Consignment A two piece consignment arrived from the Wisconsin Collection consignor on Tuesday. These are absolutely awesome offerings with prices already set Seated 50c: 1862 PCGS AU55 CAC with lightly mirror fields, teal centers surrounded by golden rings. a gem. Trade 1: 1873-S PCGS AU58 CAC frosty cartwheel luster with light gray-gold patina. another gem and the finest Trade dollar handled by GFRC to date. Mountain Collection Consignment I received a phone call from this new consignor yesterday afternoon. Some background is necessary. at the 2015 Summer ANA, this individual consigned a lovely 1845 PCGS AU58 CAC Seated dollar that was sold several months later. Now he is back with three more Seated dollars, all PCGS AU58 and dated 1843, 1847 and 1849. These will arrive next week just in time for the FUN show. Global Financial News The Dow Jones average appears ready to break through the 20,000 level today. PEs continue to inflate and there are those who believe this rally has gone too far too quickly. Spot gold continues to trade at 1135oz while spot oil is being quoted at 53.60 this morning. The Dow Jones industrial average is within striking distance of 20,000 and some investors believe that piercing that level would signal the recent rally may continue. The U. S. stock market as a whole has added 1.6T since the election of Donald Trump on bets that his plans for deregulation, tax cuts and infrastructure spending will boost the economy. The Dow first hit 10,000 in 1999. Im so glad that the Yamatins are in Venice and not Beijing. Relief could be in sight for areas across northern China that have been choking under a blanket of thick smog for days. Over 400M people have been affected by a quotred alert, quot the highest level in Chinas pollution warning system, but the threat may be lifted tonight in Beijing and elsewhere. The haze has spurred authorities to cancel flights, close some highways and enact other emergency measures to cut down on air pollution. And another case of collusion among the too big to fail banks. fines are paid as part of normal business operations. The Swiss Competition Commission has fined several European and U. S. banks almost 100M Swiss francs (97.3M) over interest rate cartels, the latest punishment dished out in connection with rate-rigging scandals. The largest was a 33.9M Swiss franc (32.9M) penalty for JPMorgan. Other banks that were fined include RBS, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, Barclays, Credit Suisse and SocGen. Featured Coins of the Day Lets visit the United States gold price list this morning for some of my favorite 20 double eagle offerings that will be on display at the FUN show. The most recent Osprey consignment will add even more early date and mintmarked pieces to the bourse cases. How can you go wrong building a collection of 20 gold at current gold bullion prices So concludes yet another Daily Blog edition. Time for reheated pizza for breakfast and completing the Saw Mill Run Collection descriptions Ill be back tomorrow with yet more ramblings. As always, happy hunting and thank you for stopping by for your daily numismatic fix. Welcome to the Daily Blog as the Christmas weekend approaches quickly. The past 24 hours brought more disturbing news from Europe along with the official election of Donald Trump. The United States presidential election is behind us and hopefully the same for media noise. We can only wish. Here is Venice, GFRC continues to process new consignments along with shipping orders. Matt is working diligently towards completing the Open Registry module. His environmental consulting business is growing leaving little time to support major GFRC website enhancement projects. While in Venice, time is being allocated. Yesterday, a mathematical algorithm was development to add higher Open Registry numerical weight for CAC approved coins. GFRC Consignment News The Saw Mill Run Collection debut, as a Client Gallery, brought a record number of hits to the Daily Blog over 1450 hits combined for Sunday and Monday. Eight coins are on hold with more being quoted. I worked late into the evening to prepare the Upstate New York Collection images for todays Blog. Following are nine of the thirteen pieces and indicative of the old album type toning pursued by this individual. As with the Saw Mill Run Collection, FRoR is in order. The consignor has already provided retail prices so straightforward to respond to inquiries. Upstate New York Collection Consignment - Old Album Toning - December 20, 2016 Ft. Lauderdale FUN Show Reminder The FUN show is a little over two weeks away as preparations continue. Just yesterday, David Perkins and I received confirmation that Osprey has been added to the GFRC table as an assistant and will be covering the table on Friday morning, along with Diane. Friday morning brings the LSCC meeting at 9:00am, which I am hosting. Then at 11:00am, I will be presenting a discussion entilted quotDeveloping a Passion for Liberty Seated Dimesquot. Following is the massive FUN show bourse map and a guide for quickly locating Gerry Fortin Rare Coins and W. David Perkins at tables 1825 and 1827. Visiting the GFRC table is an imperative if you are a fan of Liberty Seated coinage and United States gold. GFRC will have the broadest offering of Liberty Seated dimes, quarters and halves on the entire bourse floor including Top 100 Seated Dime varieties key dates 1839 Pie Shattered Obverse PCGS EF45 CAC, 1841-O Transitional Large O Closed Bud PCGS AU55 GOLD CAC and 1874 Polished Arrows NGC Mint State Details. Gerry Fortin David Perkins Booth Location - Winter FUN - Ft. Lauderdale, Florida Global Financial News Spot gold is struggling at 1135oz this morning as the US Dollar continues to climb back to 14 year highs. The Euro is weakening and estimated to be a parity with the US Dollar and may remain there for years as the United States tightens monetary policies. I am so glad that Chikae, Natsumi and Matt are residing in Venice and not Beijing based on the second Seeking Alpha headline. A red alert air pollution alarm is in place for Beijing due to winter coal burning and resulting air pollution. Finally, Japan will remain its current monetary policy of negative interest rates and more QE. The dollar is climbing back towards a 14-year high after Janet Yellen flagged strength in the U. S. jobs market, while fallout from attacks in Germany, Turkey and Switzerland are putting pressure on the euro, pushing the currency firmly back below 1.04 (see both below). Many economists have predicted parity with the greenback for years, arguing that the dollar would appreciate as the Fed embarked upon a path of monetary-policy normalization, but those forecasts didnt look likely to pan out until recently. Smog in northern China including the capital city of Beijing reached hazardous levels for the fourth straight day on Tuesday, highlighting the fallout from resurgent coal production and related demand in the worlds second largest economy. A quotred alertquot - the highest level in Chinas four-tiered pollution warning system - across 24 cities has canceled flights, closed off highways and shut down schools and factories. The Bank of Japan has finished a tumultuous year for monetary policy with an upgrade to its economic assessment, while keeping its negative rates, yield-curve and asset-purchase programs unchanged. Stating that the economy continues to recover moderately as a trend, the central bank signaled its conviction that a generally weak yen and a rebound in overseas demand will lift prospects for a solid recovery. That is about all for todays Blog. Another busy day is at hand including more Shanghai coin orders, photography of the latest Osprey consignment and loading Upstate New York, Pleez B. Seated Part 3 and Osprey consignments into the COIN system in time for the FUN show. Thank you for stopping by this morning and please do consider a purchase so I can pay GFRC staff their annual bonus. Greetings on the Monday before Christmas and welcome to the Daily Blog. It is wonderful to have a full home with much activity. Natsumi is a bundle of energy as Matt and Chikae deal with jetlag. The GFRC office remains a quiet sanctuary with Big Head Todd and Monsters Crimes of Passion to accompany Saw Mill Run Client Gallery preparations. Most Blog readers may not have heard of this 2004 rockindie recording but it comes highly recommended. There are several ZZ Top like rocker tunes while the balance is soft comfort music for a consumed mind. GFRC Consignment News There is not much to be said concerning the Saw Mill Run Collection after viewing his Client Gallery. This collection is purely original with conservative grading at the EF through AU grade levels. A collection of this statue is a decade long pursuit with strict purchasing standards. Dealer relationships are also paramount to acquire first shot when spectacular coins arrive in inventory. More than half of the Saw Mill Run pieces were purchased from five well known dealers with GFRC supplying eleven pieces into the collection. Heritage was a source for less than 10. The Saw Mill Run consignor should be incredibly proud of his accomplishment and Im so pleased to offer his Client Gallery. Enjoy Saw Mill Run Collection - Amazing Originality - December 19, 2016 So ends the Saw Mill Run Collection Client Gallery. Price list debut will be on December 20. Until that time, please feel free to make email inquiries on pieces of interest. A reminder that this set took over a decade to build and the individual pieces are mostly gems or choice examples for the assigned grade. These will not be inexpensive as the consignor paid strong premiums to acquire many. Osprey Collection Consignment GFRC consignment backlog is substantial with the FUN show looming. After screening three PCGS blue boxes of coins with Osprey on Thursday, the following pieces are being consigned. Please note the important group of United Stated 20 Double Eagles including 1851 PCGS AU53, the challenging 1854 Large Date PCGS AU53, 1861 PCGS AU58, 1869-S PCGS AU58 and the 1889-CC PCGS AU53. Here comes the latest offerings from the Osprey Collection. Seated 10c: 1839-O F-104 PCGS VF35 CAC very early die state Capped Bust 25c: 1835 ANAC EF40 Old White Holder Seated 25c: 1877 PCGS MS61 Capped Bust 50c: 1823 PCGS XF40 1824 NGC XF45 CAC 1836 PCGS AU50 CAC Seated 50c: 1845-O PCGS AU50 CAC a gem 1870 NGC AU58 Morgan 1: 1884-O NGC MS65 lovely toning US Gold 2.5: 1847-O NGC XF45 US Gold 5: 1838 NGC AU58 CAC US Gold 20: 1851 PCGS AU53 1854 Large Date PCGS AU53 1861 PCGS AU58 1869-S PCGS AU58 1889-CC PCGS AU53 1897 PCGS MS63 France 1 Franc: 1806-A PCGS AU53 Global Financial News Spot gold is up a tad this morning at 1141 and hopefully the precious metals swoon is over just in time for the FUN show. Several Seeking Alpha headlines caught my attention this morning. Australias economy is forecasted to slow over the coming years due to an end of a long mining boom while Indonesia will simply remove several quot0quot from its currencys face value. Australia downgraded its growth forecasts overnight and predicted larger than expected budget deficits over the next four years, heightening concerns the country could lose its AAA credit rating. The resources-driven economy has enjoyed more than 20 years of growth but is now transitioning out of an unprecedented mining investment boom. Indonesias central bank is looking to revive a previously shelved plan to slash three zeroes off the face value of its rupiah notes. Bank Indonesia Governor Agus Martowardojo told President Joko Widodo the proposal would make the currency quotmore efficient and simpler. quot The largest rupiah denomination is currently 100,000 and the smallest note is 1,000. There has been substantial content in todays Blog and time to prepare breakfast and then spend time in the packing and shipping department. Ill be back tomorrow morning with more ramblings and hopefully a few highlights from the Upstate New Year consignment as FRoRs are already arriving for his latest offerings. Greetings on a Sunday morning and welcome to the Daily Blog. The Yamatins have arrived to Venice home with their precious cargo, Natsumi. After flying from Beijing to Tokyo then Chicago and finally to Tampa, the Yamatin family is settling into our home. While I type the Blog, Matt is already out running and enjoying fresh clean air as compared to that of Beijing. He is training for the Great Wall Marathon that will be held May 2017. On Saturday evening, the Tampa airport pick-up was not without incident. When exiting the cellphone waiting area for picking up the Yamatins, I made a wrong turn and immediately exited the airport by mistake. For those who use and know the Tamp airport, this mistake is serious as the first I-275 turnaround exit is over 10 miles south in St. Petersburg. We recovered with a 1:00 am arrival back to Venice. GFRC Consignment News Other than spending Saturday processing Saw Mill Run Collection images, there is little to report. Sales are in the seasonal doldrums as much of America is struggling with brutally cold weather or is out conducting holiday shopping. Saw Mill Run Collection Following are some Saw Mill Run Collection highlights to wet your appetite. If all goes to plan, the entire 50 piece Client Gallery will be available on Monday morning (for another round of FRoR) with the set reaching the Featured Collections price list on Wednesday along with other price lists that day. In other words, the Saw Mill Collection will debut this coming Wednesday. Saw Mill Run Collection Highlights - December 18, 2016 Seal Beach Collection Im pleased to report that three of the seven pieces highlighted in Saturdays Blog are on hold. These are the 1841-O, 1857-O and 1861 dated examples. Pleez B Seated Part 3 Seated Halves Part 3 halves will be photographed today as Venice weather will be ideal with with 83 degree high temp and bright sunshine. Upstate New York Collection Same here, in the photography queue. Featured Coins of the Day Gold CAC Mercury dimes are typically found in early PCGS Rattler or NGC Fatty holders as grading was quite conservative during the late 1980s. These are priced in the 135-185 range and would be a great Christmas gift given their numismatic history and quality. Following are some recommended example for potential gift giving. For existing GFRC customer, I can ship these on approval during Monday or Tuesday. with arrival just in time for Christmas Eve. So wraps up this Sunday edition of the Daily Blog. Time to enjoy family and a second cup of hot coffee. I will be back on Monday morning and hopefully, with the entire Saw Mill Run Collection in a wonder Client Gallery. Have a great day Welcome to the Daily Blog on a Saturday morning with only seven days left until Christmas Eve. The significant event of the day is Matt, Chikae and Natsumi returning to the United States and spending several weeks in Venice for the holidays. Already the Fortin condo is nicely decorated for Christmas and filled with large sized legos, a ginger bread house kit and other assorted toys to make Natsumis visit memorable. 80 degree weather and the ability to spend time in the pool will be welcomed after the colder Beijing climate. On the numismatic front, GFRC continues to move forward with consignment processing, sales and shipping. The order rates from China collecting community is accelerating with a planned trip to Shanghai in the AprilMay timeframe for a GFRC sponsored sales and educational numismatic event. The Saw Mill Run images are taking shape and Im so excited about the upcoming Featured Collection debut next week. GFRC Consignment News Seal Beach Collection This morning brings another Seal Beach Liberty Seated half dollar Client Gallery display. Seal Beach is an extremely focused Seated half dollar collector and is constantly upgrading and moving along duplicates via GFRC. Below are the newest duplicates that need to find new homes. All seven pieces are loaded onto the price lists with the 1841-O WB-1 PCGS AU53 CAC and the 1857-O PCGS AU55 being on hold. The balance are immediately available. Seal Beach Collection Consignment - December 16, 2016 Upstate New York Collection Friday brought the arrival of another Upstate New York Collection consignment. This old time collector continues his divestment project with the quotbest pieces now being released. Collectors well understand the divestment process. we release our least favorite pieces first, then moving up the ladder towards the top tier coins. The Upstate New York consignor indicates that he is approaching the top of the ladder and I must agree after opening and reviewing his latest offerings. This individuals speciality is nice old album toning. Following is a quick list for your consideration and FRoR. Capped Bust 25c: 1838 PCGS AU55 choice original with aquamarine-rose toning Seated 25c: 1853 AampR NGC MS61 gem with gorgeous Wayte Raymond bullseye patina 1873 Arrows PCGS EF45 another gem with radial old album toning 1877-S PCGS MS64 CAC satiny luster and pretty toning Draped Bust 50c: 1803 Lg 3 PCGS VF25 CAC choice original gun metal gray Capped Bust 50c: 1810 PCGS EF45 choice gray-gold 1813 PCG VF30 choice old album aquamarine-rose 1819 PCGS VF20 perfectly original gray 1825 PCGS EF45 1832 O-103 NGC AU53 choice gold-rose with blue rims Seated 50c: 1844 PCGS AU50 light old album blues with gray centers 1861 PCI AU50. dont laugh, this is a marvelous piece that is full AU55 with lightly mirrored fields and classic center rose surrounded by blue ring 1870 PCGS VF25 old album rose-blue and CAC possibility. There is much to be accomplished today before Matt and family arrive into Tampa this evening. Therefore todays Blog will be brief. Having a great weekend and please do consider a GFRC purchase. Greetings on a Friday morning from Venice office. West Coast Florida temperatures are seasonally above average and will remain so during the upcoming week. Daytime highs are forecasted to be near 80F and will be ideal for when Matt, Chikae and Natsumi arrived tomorrow for their Christmas holiday break. As a reference, Raymond Maine is currently at -4F while Beijing is warmer at 28F. The following image illustrates why Florida continues to experience a housing and population boom as more snowbirds escape northern polar vortexes during winter months. This lovely flowing shrub is located to the left of our front door. Liberty Seated Dime Web-Book News A portion of Thursdays time was allocated to Seated dime web-book updates including the addition of a terminal die state page for the 1839-O F-105 die pairing, a strong and weak strike pictorial comparison for the 1843 F-101a varietydie state and a plate coin improvement for the 1876-CC F-132 variety. The latter was provided by Jim Skwarek and has the ideal gray surfaces to illustrate the variety. Below is a pictorial summary of the web-book updates with the 1843 F-101a PCGS MS62 dime being for sale. 1839-O F-105c Terminal Die State Example of 1843 F-101a Polished Obverse and Eroded Die Reverse Super Example of 1876-CC F-132 Die Pairing From Jim Skwarek GFRC Consignment News Osprey made a visit to the GFRC office on Thursday and a great time was had reviewing coins for three hours. The visit provided a chance for Osprey to view the entire Saw Mill Run Collection with one of the half dimes being purchased. We also went through three PCGS blue boxes of coins brought by Osprey for potential consignment. Some pieces were obviously undergraded and will be resubmitted while others deserved a trip through CAC. It was an enjoyable time viewing so many fresh coins including 1850 and 1854 Large Date 20 double eagles. Seal Beach Consignment Another group of Seal Beach Seated halves arrived. I worked late to price these and GFRC has been authorized to sell immediately. Photography will take place today. GFRC now has a substantial consignment backlog sufficient for the FUN show. I will not be taking further consignments between now and FUN given the workload necessary to absorb and properly market Osprey, Seal Beach, Pleez B. Seated and Upstate New York consignments. New consignments are welcomed and requested at FUN and the days following the show. Global Financial News Spot gold continues to fall as the US Dollar achieves a 14 year high against other major currencies. It appears that investors believe a strong uptick in the United States economy is forthcoming along with additional interest rate increases. Spot gold sits at 1136 this morning. Following are important Seeking Alpha headlines with the China RMB. US Dollar exchange rate being quoted at nearly 7.0 this morning. It was 6.65 during GFRC November Shanghai show. Global markets are stable overnight, and the euro, yen and pound all recover a bit of ground against the dollar, as the greenback surged to 14-year highs vs. the euro and a broader basket of currencies yesterday as markets repositioned for a faster pace of Fed rate hikes over the next year. The yen has plunged 11 vs. the dollar since Pres.-elect Trumps election victory last month, surpassing the Mexican pesos 10 slide to become the worst performing major currency during the period. The weaker yen will make Japan8217s exports more competitive and could boost growth, and the Nikkei index has gained for eight straight days, but bond prices have been under pressure amid a global debt selloff. In China, fears that a rising dollar will destabilize trading in the yuan has sent the currency to its lowest against the dollar in more than eight years and raised concerns that outflows could increase quotGold has gotten smoked, quot as futures prices plunged 33.90oz. or 2.9, yesterday to 1,129.80 for the lowest settlement since Feb. 2 and the largest single-day dollar and percentage loss since Nov. 11. The yellow metal has inched higher overnight but is on track for a sixth weekly loss that has been driven by a more aggressive Fed, investor enthusiasm about Pres.-elect Trump8217s policies and ETF sales. As of Thursday8217s close, gold had retreated 17 from July8217s high, nearing the 20 loss that commonly defines a bear market. This headline was surprising as I did not realize that Japan held such a large portion of United States Treasury debt. Japan has overtaken China as the biggest holder of U. S. government bonds, as figures for foreign ownership of U. S. Treasurys in October show that Chinas holdings declined to the lowest in more than six years as its central bank used its foreign exchange reserves to support the yuan. Japans Treasury holdings also decreased but at a slower pace Japan trimmed 4.5B of U. S. paper to end the month with 1.131T, while Chinas holdings plunged by 41.3B to 1.115T, the lowest level since July 2010 and capping a decline of five straight months. China has been dipping into its reserves, selling Treasurys to support the yuan, which yesterday fell to its weakest level vs. the U. S. dollar in more than eight years. GFRC Price Reductions - December Sales Doldrums December is probably the weakest month of the year for numismatic sales. Collectors are consumed with holiday preparations and disposable income being allocated to holiday gift giving. Several GFRC consignors wish to sell their coins towards raising cash for the upcoming year or for personal expenses. On Thursday, I lowered prices on the PBG Seated halves by substantial amounts along with other select offerings. Look for New Price markers on the price lists. I will also be repricing some gold coins today where spot gold bullion is the dominate parameter in price setting. Featured Coins of the Day Draped Bust halves are an important area of early Americana. GFRC continues to selectively add nice quality pieces to inventory. Following are several for your consideration on a Friday morning. Your daily visit are welcomed and appreciated. Thank you for stopping by at the Daily Blog. I will be back Saturday morning with Seal Beach Seated half dollar images and other regular ramblings. Welcome to the Daily Blog as the middle of December is already upon us. The numismatic hobby and GFRC orders have been quiet this week as individuals focus on Christmas, New Year and seasonal preparations. However, there is no let down in GFRC office activities as the FUN show is just three weeks away. Consignments are pouring in for FUN debut with top consignors connecting via phone to discuss upcoming FUN show strategies. As a reminder, I will be hosting the LSCCs FUN regional meeting on Friday January 6 at 9:00 am followed by an education presentation on Liberty Seated dimes at 11:00 am. More on both topics in an upcoming blog. Frankly, Im growing quite leary of our traditional news media. Yes, there is the ongoing reporting on how the Russian government influenced the United States election which I see as combined politics and decreasing journalistic standards. What disturbed me (and Diane) last evening was NBCs breaking news reporting on a 2013 Yahoo hack. NBC blurred the lines on the hack timeframe and raised viewer fears as if the hack had just recently occurred. It was reported that one billion people were at risk due to this hack. Drama and sensationalism appear to be the rule at NBC whether reporting quotso called breaking news quot or their ongoing estimates of the millions of United States citizens being impacted by weather events. Even the local Tampa NBC affliate, WFLA, is touting their Mega 8 radar system as the most powerful weather radar is the business at the start of each evenings report. GFRC Consignment News An update is warranted on this topic since enjoying phone calls with Saw Mill Run and Osprey Collection consignors yesterday plus the arrival of Part 3 of the Pleez B. Seated Collection consignment. Following are highlights Saw Mill Run Collection The Saw Mill Run consignor believes it is best to release his collection through normal GFRC marketing and sales process. The entire collection will be launched as a Client Gallery and Featured Collection next week. Offerings that are not sold prior to FUN show will be available at the show as part of GFRC inventory. The collection documentation will take place via GFRCs new Featured Collection module. Already photography is completed with image processing and description writing being next steps. Osprey is visiting the GFRC office today and Im so pleased to be in Florida and hanging out with this great numismatic friend. We will be reviewing and discussing his latest United States gold consignment that just returned from PCGS grading. This consignment was primarily sourced from a recent Osprey European trip in the same timeframe while I was attending the Shanghai Yunzhou coin show. Pleez B. Seated Collection Part 3 Yes, Part 3 arrived on schedule via express mail. Im sure that Blog readers are curious as to the contents for requesting FRoR. So here comes the contents of the last Pleez B. Seated consignment Seated 50c: 1842 Sm Date PCGS AU53 1842 Med Date PCGS AU53 1844-O PCGS EF40 1846 Med Date PCGS AU53 1858-O PCGS AU55 1856-S PCGS VF35 1858 PCGS AU58 1859 PCGS AU55 1859-S PCGS EF45 1860 PCGS EF45 1860-O PCGS EF45 CAC (ex GFRC) 1861 PCGS EF40 1861-O PCGS AU55 (LA strike) 1861-O WB103104 PCGS EF40 (CSA strike) 1863-S PCGS AU53 1864 PCGS EF40 1866-S No Motto PCGS EF40 1869 PCGS EF40 1872-CC PCGS EF40 1873-CC No Arrows PCGS EF40 1874 PCGS EF45 1875-S PCGS MS63 1876 PCGS EF45 1879 PCGS AU53 1880 PCGS MS62 1888 PCGS AU55 1889 PCGS AU55 Featured Article: Mauldin Economics This Week in Geopolitics - Forecasting Russia in 2017 We seem to be bombarded with news concerning Russia at the moment on traditional media. This timely piece by George Friedman arrived to my Inbox yesterday and is well worth the time to read as a counter balance to current news media noise. The article is part of the Mauldin Economics newsletters and is entitled Forecasting Russia in 2017. The article opens with commentary about the risks associated with renderings annual forecasts and the goals of the forecasters. Whether in business or politics, forecasting is a challenging task due to the vaste array of uncontrollable parameters that may appear at a moments notice. We aim for accuracy, and as you can see from previous report cards on our work, we are pretty good at what we do. Our full report card for 2016 will be published next week, but in the meantime, subscribers can check out our mid-year evaluation here. But another aim that is almost as important is to be very clear about what we are forecasting. We would rather be wrong and have made a clear forecast than offer a vaguely worded 8220prediction8221 that is unfalsifiable. Therefore, we spend less time explaining how we arrived at a given conclusion, and more time clearly stating what we think is going to happen and how that will shape the world. A forecast is not an analysis8212it is the culmination of analysis. That means that a certain amount of information about how we arrived at a particular forecast is always left out. If it weren8217t, the forecast would read like a volume of Tolstoy, and no matter how brilliant Tolstoy was, his writing style is not well suited for forecasting. A detailed review of the Russian military is presented as modernizations efforts are underway but limited by a weak Russian economy to fund upgrading. The aging Russian military is a far cry from that of the Soviet Union. Russia8217s Military Capability We began the forecasting process with Russia by looking at the country8217s military capability. Russia has intervened in Syria to great fanfare, and while it has demonstrated undeniable improvements in some of its capabilities, the Russian military is far weaker than most make it out to be. Our 2016 forecast predicted a frozen conflict in Ukraine, and we came to the conclusion that this frozen conflict will be formalized in 2017 by answering a very basic question: What is the Russian military capability in Ukraine and in general The Russian economy is in shambles due to low oil prices and US sanctions. The Russian currency (the Ruble) has lost half of its value against the US Dollar since 2014. The Russian Economy The main issue for Russia in 2017 is not going to be a military one. Russia does not want to get bogged down in Syria, so it will be looking to extricate itself from that conflict. Russia cannot fix its Ukraine problem through force, so it will try to reach a settlement that will allow the status quo to remain in place. As long as Kiev remains neutral and not a basing point for major US and NATO assets, the Russians will be content, though uncomfortable. The problem for Russia is that its economy is in a shambles, and it is trying to pour money into modernizing the military at the same time that disturbing cracks in the Russian economy are beginning to show. Lets look at two graphics that demonstrate just how challenging the current situation is. The main issue for Russia in 2017 is not going to be a military one. Russia does not want to get bogged down in Syria, so it will be looking to extricate itself from that conflict. Russia cannot fix its Ukraine problem through force, so it will try to reach a settlement that will allow the status quo to remain in place. As long as Kiev remains neutral and not a basing point for major US and NATO assets, the Russians will be content, though uncomfortable. The problem for Russia is that its economy is in a shambles, and it is trying to pour money into modernizing the military at the same time that disturbing cracks in the Russian economy are beginning to show. Let8217s look at two graphics that demonstrate just how challenging the current situation is. One must remember that there are those in the United States industrialmilitary complex that require an ongoing foreign threat to justify the cost of developing new military technology. Russian economic issues and less than fully modernized military should be remembered when fears of the Russian bear invading Europe and challenging NATO are raised by the media. Global Financial News Spot gold lost important ground on Wednesday due to the Federal Reserve interest rate increase and the strengthening US dollar. Gold is now in a technical bear market and being quoted at 1132oz. More interest rate increases are now in play for 2017. Actually, I believe this to be a healthy situation for the proper valuing of capital investment. Bond prices and gold will be struggling during the near term as a new investment normal is realized. Crude oil is holding recent gains due to OPEC and non-OPEC production cut agreement. Theres a new normal for investors after the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates and with Donald Trumps administration taking shape. Fed Chair Janet Yellen said during her press conference that Trumps election has placed the central bank under a quotcloud of uncertaintyquot as it looks ahead and shifted some expectations. The quotdot plotquot of interest rate projections indicate that at least five of 17 Federal Reserve policymakers increased their interest rate forecasts. Crude oil prices are recovering from their slide after the Federal Reserve hiked interest rates yesterday. A stronger U. S. dollar is seen as a possible concern on demand. Investors expect a tight market in 2017 on their faith in the OPEC and non-OPEC production cut deals. WTI crude oil futures 0.55 to 51.32bbl at last check. Brent crude 0.98 to 54.43bbl. Featured Coins of the Day Lets close todays Blog with some inexpensive offerings as potential Christmas gifts. All of these CAC approved coins are priced under 200. Thank you for stopping by once again at the Daily Blog. This has been a long edition but there was much to share this morning. Time for a health walk and then moving immediately into the packing and shipping department. We will see you tomorrow morning. Greetings from the GFRC Venice Florida office. Wednesday morning arrives as the Christmas holiday period is approaching so quickly. GFRC started shipping out of the local Venice post office outlet yesterday and was immediately reminded of the holiday season. Back in Maine, the Windham post office would have 4-6 people waiting in line to mail packages during this time of year. The Venice USPS outlet was a different story. Yesterdays after lunch line was 15 people deep and required 20 minutes of patience to reach the counter to express mail the 1870-CC Seated quarter to California along with dropping off GFRCs 2 day priority boxes. The primary reason for the long delay was unprepared individuals with minimal understanding on how to package or address a parcel. My hat goes off to the British couple that operates this USPS outlet on contract basis. Their patience and friendly customer service is admirable. GFRC Consignment News - The Saw Mill Run Collection The better part of Tuesday was spent evaluating the Saw Mill Run Collection and entering the 50 pieces into the COIN system. Dear readers and fellow collectors, the Saw Mill Run Collection is the most amazing consignment that GFRC has handled to date Saw Mill Run is not amazing for being high grade but rather the consistency in perfectly original surfaces along with eye appeal at the EF through AU grade levels. The consignor shared his purchase history for each piece (purchase price, date and seller) and one immediately understands the timespan and dealer relationships necessary to built a collection at this quality level. Purchase dates range from 1991 through 2015 and explain the slow methodical approach necessary to assemble a set with few peers. Following are collection statistic and GFRC quality ratings. Total Consigned Silver Pieces: 50 Half Dimes - 12 Dimes - 10 Quarters - 6 Halves - 20 Dollars - 2 GFRC Quality Rating Evaluation Results - 34 are Gems Gems - 17 Choice - 32: Original -1 CAC Approved - 48 of the 50. amazing Retail pricing recommendations were also formulated and have been shared with the consignor for feedback and approval. There will be no bargain prices for Saw Mill Run Collection pieces since the consignor recognized top quality and paid the premiums to acquire such pieces. Prices have been fairly set with customers requiring long term numismatic experience to fully appreciate value. In many cases, PCGS price guides will only provide a crude guideline and even CoinFacts auction records will not provide immediate validation of asking prices since coins at this quality level dont typically appear at Heritage or Stacks auction. Let remember that these pieces are mostly EF - AU examples and will be priced between 150 - 3000, so not the optimum type of material for a large auction house. Rather the Saw Mill Run Collection is an ideal offering for GFRCs fixed price list approach and attention to strict originality. The Saw Mill Run Collection will be photographed today. A conference call with the consignor is planned to develop a release strategy. Do we debut the entire collection on the FUN bourse floor and release online at the same time Or do we employ the GFRC First Right of Refusal approach with a Daily Blog Client Gallery and Featured Collection price list before FUN These are questions to be answered in the coming days while I process images. If someone is interested in buying the entire collection as a starting point for an even grandeur project, then a price tag of approximately 45,000 is in order. Other GFRC Consignment Updates I spoke with the Alexandria consignor yesterday. He is most pleased with Pleez B Seated sales results and having his collection highlighted within the new Featured Collection link. Pleez B. Seated Part III was expressed shipped yesterday and will arrive to Venice office later today. Who needs Christmas presents when handling all these great coins The latest Seal Beach offering of Liberty Seated halves should arrive today. Already 3 of the 7 pieces are on FRoR. Old album toning is the hallmark of Upstate New York offerings. His latest consignment should arrive on Thursday. Osprey European Gold We are presently awaiting the return of Osprey gold pieces from PCGS grading and will announce the upcoming consignment contents shortly. Wanted Early United States Silver Commemorative Consignments GFRC is ramping its China market business with early United States Commemoratives being in strong demand by Chinese collectors. GFRC is planning a special event in Shanghai during the April-May 2017 timeframe with United States early commemoratives being a key sales item. If divestment of this type of collection is anticipated, then please contact me immediately. Global Financial News The US Dollar continues to gain in strength as the financial community has already priced in an interest increase by the Federal Reserve today. The Japanese economy is feeling positive impacts from the strong US dollar as the Yen has weakened aiding export pricing overseas. The Trump momentum for growing domestic jobs and production was echoed today by IBMs CEO Ginni Rometty. At 2 p. m. ET the Federal Reserve is expected to announce its first interest rate increase since last December and only the second since the financial crisis. But whats less widely known is how fast the FOMC will tighten after that. Looking for clarity, investors will tune in to the central banks statement and economic forecasts on how it views Donald Trumps election affecting the outlook for growth and inflation. Optimism at Japanese companies is on the rise for the first time in 18 months, thanks to a rebound in exports on a weakened yen. The election of Donald Trump brought a big slide in the currency, breathing new life into the countrys drive to escape deflation and boosting the BOJs Tankan survey. Sentiment at large manufacturers rose from 6 to 10 in December, while the index for all companies increased from 5 to 7. Ahead of the closely-watched gathering, IBM Chief Executive Ginni Rometty pledged to invest 1B in training and development for American employees. quotWe have thousands of open positions at any given moment, and we intend to hire about 25,000 professionals in the next four years in the U. S.,quot she wrote in USA Today. IBM had nearly 378,000 employees at the end of 2015, according to the companys annual report. Featured Coin of the Day Lets try a new approach for todays Featured Coin section and focus on only one GFRC offering. I bought this 1795 Flowing Hair dollar due to the lovely eye appeal and assuming that someone in the GFRC community would want this piece for a type coin set. However, this piece is not technically perfect and would secure a Details grade if submitted to TPG. My asking price is 2395 and other dealers have offered 2000 on a wholesale basis. If this Flowing Hair piece is not sold by FUN show, I will wholesale the coin out and use the monies to fund other GFRC inventory purchases. Bottomline, a offer above 2200 would secure this piece. Welcome to the Daily Blog on a Tuesday morning. The GFRC office is up and running with a few pieces of new electronics including a high speed Netgear modem and a Bose III Wireless speaker. Yes, the trip to Best Buy for the modem resulted in an early Christmas gift for myself. The Bose wireless speaker is a great addition to the office and uses Bluetooth to connect to laptop. The Bose speaker is also a replacment for the Maine evening sound room experence. Yesterdays featured music was Karma . a 1997 recording by Canadian electronic group Delerium that merges worldbeat, ambient and electronic music styles. Sarah McLachlan appearance on Silence turned out to be the groups biggest hit. This recording has a GFRC Gem quality rating. GFRC Consignment News What a difference for GFRC photography when residing in Florida. Gone is the need for a special angled photography stand and operating in a tiny Maine noon time imaging window. Yesterdays photography of the RCM Collection took place in early afternoon on a simple folding table in the back yard. It is nice to be wearing shorts and sandals too. please dont hate me too much. Following is a first time consignment from the RCM Collection and a wonderful addition to the World Coin price list. The run of Great Britian crowns is quite impressive and includes 1818, 1819, 1821, 1887 and 1891 dated examples. More impressive is the gem 1902 Mexican Peso graded NGC MS64 that is already sold. The early crowns are all choice original and offer uniform gray patina with subtle rose hues as captured by GFRC photography. Please note that there are reverse lighting reflections on the two 1819 crowns. All RCM Collection offerings are loaded onto the price lists and ready for new homes. RCM Collection - December 13, 2016 The GFRC consignment pipeline is once again full with four more shipments committed on Monday. Osprey, Seal Beach, West Texas and Upstate New York consignors will be sending along new offerings in time for the FUN show. GFRC customers are well aware of the top quality Seal Beach Liberty Seated halves that arrive on a regular basis. Following is a preview of the upcoming shipment contents. First Right of Refusal is in order for these seven halves. Please pay attention to the 1841-O and 1857-O dates along with the 1845-O No Drapery. Seated 50c: 1841-O PCGS AU53 CAC 1845-O No Drapery PCGS AU50 1856-O PCGS AU55 1857-O PCGS AU55 1861 PCGS AU53 attractive toning 1871 PCGS AU55 CAC very choice 1875-S PCGS AU58 OGH Todays GFRC focus shifts to the Saw Mill Run Collection as it will take a few days to catalog and photograph this incredible 50 piece type set offering. Global Financial News The worlds major economies appear to be strenghtening after the Trump election. In the United States, the Federal Reserve is expected to increase interest rates while the equities markets remain in rally mode. Economic data out of China also looks quite favorable while Great Britain inflation is slightly above forecast. In years past, interest rate increases and inflation were considered to be signs of an over heating economy. Today, the same phenonemon is considered as positive given ZIRP and NIRP that is so entrenched in Europe and Japan. U. S. stock index futures are pointing to a higher open on Wall Street as the FOMC begins its two-day meeting on interest rate policy. Its near certain the Fed will inaugurate the Trump era with a rate hike and its economic forecast will provide a first glimpse into whether the U. S. election has reshaped the central banks growth and inflation outlook. Will the recent stock rally and jump in bond yields increase the projected pace of rate increases for 2017 and beyond Lots of Chinese economic data also came out overnight, released by the National Bureau of Statistics. Retail sales surprised to the upside, jumping nearly 11 in November, while industrial output grew 6.2 from a year earlier, slightly better than analysts estimates and Octobers reading. Meanwhile, fixed-asset investment was in line with forecasts, rising 8.3, adding to growing signs of stabilization in the worlds second-biggest economy. U. K. inflation rose to 1.2 in November, beating analyst expectations for a 1.1 increase and marking the highest rate since October 2014. Meanwhile, U. K. Chancellor Philip Hammond has backed a longer period to manage a quotsoft Brexit, quot suggesting for the first time that Britain may need until beyond 2019 to break away from Brussels, which would help reduce the risk of financial disruption. Sterling 0.2 to 1.2708. Featured Coins of the Day GFRC December sales are moving along nicely thanks to the Pleez B Seated collection. But please remember that there are many great coins on the GFRC price lists seeking new homes for the holidays. Below are several Liberty Seated dimes that offer excellent eye appeal and would be a great start to a datemintmark set or type coin set. Thank you for making the Daily Blog a regular part of your daily online experience. I shall be back bright and early on Wednesday morning with more ramblings. Once again Bernadette, please note that the Blog is published at exactly 8:00am Have a great day.